SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix ~Opening Round~ (Saturday, 10th August 2024)

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom


  • Ami Sohrei will be absent from all cards as she begins the process of recovering from ACL and meniscus tears in her knee. Ranna Yagami will replace her in the 5Star Grand Prix.
  • Kaori Yonoeyama – more commonly known as Fukigen Death in Stardom – has also suffered an ACL tear and will be out of action for a year. She has been replaced on this card by Azusa Inaba.

Quick Results

  • Six-Woman Tag Team Match: STARS (Saya Iida, Momo Kohgo & Koguma) def. God’s Eye (Hina & Lady C) & Rian w/ Nectar Peach (8:37)
  • Eight-Woman Tag Team Match: H.A.T.E (Natsuko Tora, Thekla & Rina) & Azusa Inaba def. Cosmic Angels (Yuna Mizumori, Sayaka Kurura & Aya Sakura) & Waka Tsukiyama w/ Flying Arm Bar (9:37)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Anna Jay (2) def. Saori Anou (0) w/ Roll-Up (5:31)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Konami (2) def. Ruaka (0) w/ Running Knee Strike (6:26)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Miyu Amasaki (2) def. Xena (0) w/ Amanohashidate (2:15)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Ranna Yagami (2) def. Saki Kashima (0) w/ Crucifix Pin (3:30)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Hanan (1) vs. Suzu Suzuki (1) Ended in Double Countout (8:56)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Hazuki (2) def. Manami (0) w/ Diving Senton (9:08)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Mei Seira (1) vs. Tomoka Inaba (1) Ended in a Time Limit Draw (15:00)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Syuri (2) def. Starlight Kid (0) w/ Genbu (11:08)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: AZM (2) def. Momo Watanabe (0) w/ Azumi Sushi (11:24)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Saya Kamitani (2) def. Risa Sera (0) w/ Frankensteiner (10:48)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Maika (2) def. Natsupoi (0) w/ Roll-Up (13:11)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Mayu Iwatani (2) def. Tam Nakano (0) w/ Two-Step Dragon Suplex (13:45)
Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #1 – STARS (Saya Iida, Momo Kohgo & Koguma) def. God’s Eye (Hina & Lady C) & Rian w/ Nectar Peach (8:37)

This free-to-YouTube match gets a healthy amount of time, with it being the ‘official’ debut of Lady C and Rina as members of God’s Eye.

STARS absolutely torture poor Rian, with Saya in particular taking a sadistic pleasure in delivering some hearty chops, with one particularly savage double-handed one connecting with the rookie’s back.

We do get an extended exchange between Momo Kohgo and Lady C, both perhaps a little unlucky not to be in this year’s tournament field, and it’s reminiscent of their 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Play-In match that saw Lady C advance to the final. Here however, it’s Momo that gets the upperhand before stereo head kicks kicks send both women down to the canvas simultaneously.

Following this, Rian is tagged back in and gets a couple of close pinfall attempts on Kohgo, but it’s ultimately little surprise when she finds herself on the receiving end of a Nectar Peach, giving STARS the victory.

A good warm-up match for the crowd, and a good showing for Momo Kohgo and Rian in particular!

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #2 – H.A.T.E (Natsuko Tora, Thekla & Rina) & Azusa Inaba def. Cosmic Angels (Yuna Mizumori, Sayaka Kurura & Aya Sakura) & Waka Tsukiyama w/ Flying Arm Bar (9:37)

Waka Tsukiyama finds herself teaming with Cosmic Angels once again after leaving the group back in 2023.

Though this match rather predictably ends ultimately in a H.A.T.E victory with Thekla submitting Sayaka Kurura with a brutal Cross Arm Breaker, the opposition made it significantly more difficult than the new heel stable would have wanted. Kurura in particular, somewhat having a history with Thekla in particular, gives the Idol Killer a couple of real scares with two very close roll-ups.

Yuna Mizumori also impresses, attempting to go toe-to-toe with Tora in terms of striking, ahead of her debut in the 5Star tomorrow. As mentioned however, H.A.T.E were always able to overpower their opponents at the key moments in the match, and as soon as Thekla snatches Kurura into the Cross-Arm Breaker, the Cosmic Angel taps very quickly.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #3 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Anna Jay (2) def. Saori Anou (0) w/ Roll-Up (5:31)

Hiroyoshi Tenzan joins the Japanese commentary table, a man all too familiar with tournament wrestling and what it takes to win it all. This is Anna Jay’s first ever match in Japan, and she attacks it as such, immediately taking control and running Saori into the top turnbuckles. However, the current Sendai Girls World Champion is able to regain a foothold in the match with a smooth Fisherman Buster.

However when Anou tries for either the Temps Tendre or the Japanese Ocean Suplex, Anna is able to turn the tide with a Dangerous Jay Kick. Similarly though, Jay can’t manage to lock in the Queenslayer – though she does manage to hit the Gory Bomb – but the pace continues to escalate until Saori looks to the Pottering. To the surprise of everyone in Yokohama, including Anna herself, she is able to transition immediately from the Pottering into a roll-up, keeping Anou’s shoulders to the mat and earn her first 5Star victory in what is a very good first outing in the tournament for the Queenslayer.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #4 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Konami (2) def. Ruaka (0) w/ Running Knee Strike (6:26)

In this H.A.T.E vs. H.A.T.E battle, it looks like we may get a fair fight as the pair clasp hands in the centre of the ring in a show of respect. The moment they turn their backs however, they both then look to attack in true heel fashion.

Even though we do get the standard spots from both women, Konami’s use of the spray paint and Ruaka’s use of the crate, the story of this match is actually more about the resilience of Ruaka. Considering she wasn’t supposed to be in this tournament and was inserted when Tora opted out of the field, she certainly could be seen to have something to prove, and though she ultimately succumbs to a huge Running Knee Strike that I hope Konami uses more as a finish in future, the resilience to kick out of as much as she did adds a lot of positivity to this defeat for the Violent Freezer.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #5 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Miyu Amasaki (2) def. Xena (0) w/ Amanohashidate (2:15)

Gone is the green hair for Amasaki in favour of a more subdued brown colour. We’ve got two tournament debutants here, and the pair have a really good opening sequence trading roll-up attempts. Xena however possesses a significant power advantage and is able to muscle Amasaki up almost immediately into a Lumbar Check.

Amasaki kicks out and, after eating some of Xena’s patented bruising chops, she’s able to suprise the Touch of Thunder with her Amanohashidate roll-up and keep Xena’s shoulders to the mat for what can be perceived as our second shock result in three tournament matches.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #6 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Ranna Yagami (2) def. Saki Kashima (0) w/ Crucifix Pin (3:30)

Ranna – a replacement in this tournament for the injured Ami Sohrei – is sporting new gear while Saki’s entrance is literally used as a walking billboard advertising some sort of video game.

Hilariously, Saki then proceeds to wrestle the entire opening to the match – including having to kick out of a roll-up attempt – whilst still holding the billboard she came to the ring with. Eventually, after enlisting the referee to help hold the board, it is deposited out of the ring and the match begins properly.

Ranna gets off a few kicks – missing an attempted Brazilian Kick – but Saki uses her experience to remain in control. However, she once again grabs the board, holding it aloft as she hits a Diving Double Footstomp. Unfortunately, she’s that pre-occupied with the board that Yagami is able to grab her into a Crucifix pinning attempt for the victory and her first two points in her first ever 5Star Grand Prix, securing only her second singles victory of the year.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #7 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Hanan (1) vs. Suzu Suzuki (1) Ended in Double Countout (8:56)

The Young Lioness comes out of the the traps like a house on fire, attacking Suzu before the bell, reminiscent of how she attacked Maika on last year’s opening night. Unlike last year however, Hanan is able to sustain her offence and have a great back and forth with Suzu.

The aggression with which Hanan starts this match riles up Suzu, who goes hard at Hanan once she manages to overcome the initial shock, rattling knees and kicks into her opponent. She goes for the Drive-By – running all the way into the bleachers for it – but Hanan manages to avoid it and then Dropkick her to the floor.

The action moves back to the ring where both women lay siege with a whole host of strikes, kicks and – in Suzu’s case – heavy punts to the head. Enraged, Hanan launches Suzu into two consecutive Back Suplexes before then missing a Diving Crossbody when Suzuki moves, instead wiping out the seconds at ringside. The action remains on the outside, Suzu using Hanan as a bowling ball into the front row of chairs and German Suplexing her from the apron to the floor, while Hanan hits two Hanan Specials on the matting. Both stop the other re-entering the ring, and when the ring bell sounds to signify a double countout, the pair have to be separated multiple times by those at ringside, with them both grabbing the other by the throat at one point before stalking backstage.

Can these two have a better match? Absolutely. But the fact that we are potentially setting the table for another match and feud between these two is really exciting!

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #8 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Hazuki (2) def. Manami (0) w/ Diving Senton (9:08)

Manami is understandably pumped for her first ever tournament, but Hazuki is too much of veteran to let the exuberance of youth get to her and takes control of the match almost immediately, hitting the Facewash Kicks and Senton in quick succession before locking in the Crossface. Manami does briefly fire up, hitting a Dropkick before screaming loudly into Hazuki’s ears.

She then proceeds to go around the ring screaming to the crowd until Hazuki reminds her she’s in a match with a slap to the face. She then hits her Springboard Dropkick before we get a forearm exchange. Manami holds her own, but is eventually locked in the Crossface once again. Hazuki goes for the Diving Senton, but Manami Snapmares her off the top rope and hits a Missile Dropkick. She misses the subsequent top rope Splash but is able to reverse the Hazukistral into a pinning attempt of her own.

This is unsuccessful, and once Hazuki is able to hit the Codebreaker, the writing appears to be on the wall for Manami. The Diving Senton connects for The Wildheart and she gets the victory, starting her tournament with a victory. A good outing for Manami who utilised the pockets of offence she got well, but ultimately Hazuki proved too strong.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #9 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Mei Seira (1) vs. Tomoka Inaba (1) Ended in a Time Limit Draw (15:00)

Perhaps the most anticipated tournament debutant in JTO’s Tomoka Inaba makes her way to the ring next with her opponent, High-Speed Champion Mei Seira also making her tournament debut. Speaking of Mei, she comes to the ring with a new upbeat, remixed version of her entrance theme.

Both women seems to figure out very early on that the best form of attack is to go for the other’s knee; taking out Seira’s lightning speed and Inaba’s ferocious kicks respectively. It doesn’t stop them having blistering exchanges however, with Inaba matching the pace of Seira and the latter doing everything in her power to match the raw ferocity of her strikes.

In fact, after a series of exciting stalemates, the leg based offence intensifies from both women, Inaba utilising a string of Dragon Screw Leg Whips to Mei’s strapped up left leg. The pair trade Ankle Locks and Knee Bars, with Mei clinging desperately onto the ropes after being locked in an Achilles Lock for a brutal amount of time. During a frantic closing stretch, Inaba throws everything at the High Speed Champion, hitting her with a GTS and a furious volley of kicks but Mei digs deep and manages to kick out each and every time. It looks like the Queen of JTO might be on the brink of victory as she hits the Inaba Drop, but the time-limit expires before she can complete the three count, giving us our first time-limit draw of the tournament.

The first classic match of this stacked tournament, with two debutants knocking out of the park.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #10 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Syuri (2) def. Starlight Kid (0) w/ Genbu (11:08)

Kid will be eager to right the wrongs of last year’s tournament, having registered just two victories in a really poor tournament that ended in injury and time on the sidelines. However, she faces the stiffest of competition in Syuri, someone she has never beaten in singles competition and someone who knows exactly what it takes to win this tournament, having done it in 2021.

Syuri immediately showcases her power and strength advantage, but Kid refuses to let Syuri settle, taking a leaf out of her NEO-GENSIS stablemate Mei Seira’s book in targeting the leg. Unfortunately for her, Syuri has a similar idea, and what follows is a strategic game of cat and mouse as they trade Black Tiger Leg Killers and Genbus – both women’s variation of the Stretch Muffler. Even though Kid is able to rally at various points in this match, hitting an Asai Moonsault and a Tornado Star Suplex, it appears that Syuri has caused more damage to the knee with a brutal spinning variation of the Genbu.

Defying the odds somewhat, Kid refuses to lie down and explodes into a furious run that almost leads to victory on multiple occasions, garnering the closest of two counts with the Momo Latch and the Moonsault.

However, the damage done to her knee comes back to haunt her. After being launched halfway across the ring with a Release German Suplex, and getting decapitated with a furious Buzzsaw Kick, Syuri fully locks in the Genbu in the middle of the ring. With nowhere to go, Kid has to tap out, dooming her to another 5Star loss.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #11 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: AZM (2) def. Momo Watanabe (0) w/ Azumi Sushi (11:24)

Looking to overcome a miserable 8-1-1 record against her former-friend and stable leader, AZM undoubtedly comes into this match something of an overwhelming underdog.

Wearing the cool light-up entrance gear we haven’t seen since Ring of Honor’s Supercard of Honor, AZM feels like a star in spite of the odds certainly not being in her favour. These odds aren’t helped when Momo attacks before the bell and immediately takes the brawl to the outside. AZM looks to hit a Hurricanrana off of the apron, but Momo catches her and holds her in place for a kick from Konami.

When the action returns to the ring, Momo baits AZM into delivering some tired-looking forearms. The High-Speed Bomb girl does briefly look to turn the tide with a La Mistica, but the action returns to the outside shortly after with Momo launching her into the front row of chairs. AZM gets her own back though, depositing Momo into the chairs before the pair knock each other to the ground with Buzzsaw Kicks.

When the action returns to the ring, AZM locks in a Rings of Saturn variation, but misses the ensuing Diving Double Footstomp. However, she does spectacularly reverse a B-Driver into a Destroyer for a close two count and successfully hits a heavy Diving Double Footstomp. She does then have to weather a Momo storm though, kicking out of a Hidenotashi Driver and a B-Driver from The Black Peach before managing to get her arm up after a huge punt to the face; the same move that put her on the shelf at the start of 2022.

Momo goes to the top rope where it looks like she is setting for an Avalanche B-Driver, but AZM manages to counter this into an incredible top rope Destroyer that spikes Momo terrifyingly high on her neck. Using the momentum of the impact, AZM then rolls Momo up with the Azumi Sushi to record only her second victory in eleven attempts against her former-best friend and tag team partner!

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #12 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Saya Kamitani (2) def. Risa Sera (0) w/ Frankensteiner (10:48)

“The Golden Phoenix is dead!” emphatically proclaims Saya’s new entrance theme and to say the change in gear is stark would be an understatement. Gone are the brights greens and reds that we are used to, to be replaced by a slick all-black variation, all whilst carrying a Phenex Queen flag in the same way she used to bring the Queen’s Quest flag to the ring. In terms of the entrance, this new heel Saya persona has been a home run.

Saya and Risa Sera have recent history of course after Saya’s recent Catch the Wave victory, and the latter has no time whatsoever for this new darker Saya. The moment the action moves to the outside, Saya begins piling up the chairs and looks to hit the Star Crusher, but Risa is quick to turn the tide by hurling one of the chairs into Saya’s face, another into the face of Rina and then a third into the face of the referee when Konami hides behind him. The chairs and the action move back inside, and without a referee Saya reverses a Powerbomb into a Frankensteiner onto the pile of chairs followed by a Northern Lights Suplex onto them. However, the referee comes to just in time to stop Risa clobbering Saya with a chair, much to the disappointment of the Yokohama crowd.

Saya’s attempts to go blow for blow with someone as proficient in this style of match as Risa Sera might be seen as foolish, however Saya manages to get the upper hand after a thumping Spin Kick to the head. Risa responds with a big Falcon Arrow and manages to utilise a missed Frankensteiner from The Phenex Queen to lock in a High-Angled Boston Crab, even shaking off a weak chair shot to the back from Konami. Unfortunately for Sera, moments later, she falls afoul of a successful Saya Frankensteiner, when she surprises the Prominence member and sits down into a pin to keep her shoulders to the mat for her first two points of the tournament having had to sit out the entirety of last year’s with an injury.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #13 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars A Match: Maika (2) def. Natsupoi (0) w/ (13:11)

On the theme of brand-new entrance gear and music, Maika is another one. She strides out to new music wearing a Kitsune-inspired mask, new entrance gown and long tights. All of this is nothing however to the significantly shorter hair she’s sporting, which is in stark contrast to the long hair we associate her with. That being said, it is a fearsome look and one that undoubtably suits her!

The match begins at a furious pace, Poi ducking under Maika’s attempts to jump the bell and begins a targeted approach on Maika’s heavily-taped arm, kneeing it, wrapping and wrenching on it through the ropes in an attempt to wipe out Maika’s Lariat and Michinoku Driver II. The former-Red Belt champion is able to stem the tide somewhat when she presses Natsupoi to the outside, but her attempts at a Powerbomb are thwarted and Poi is able to hit her with a Facebuster.

When the action returns to the ring, Natsupoi rather unwisely embarks on a series of forearms and Lariats in the corner. Though this initially seems to pay off with Poi clobbering Maika with a particularly stiff shot, it wakes the Crimson Empress up, and she is quick to overpower her. Though it’s obvious Maika can’t use her arm to hook the leg, she is able to hit Natsupoi with the Spinning Powerslam and a Lariat for a pair of close two counts.

Undeterred Natsupoi continues her relentless assault on Maika’s arm, transitioning beautifully into Cross Arm Breaker that has Maika desperately scrabbling for the bottom rope. In spite of the damage done, Maika is still able to catch a Poi Crossbody and throw her across the ring with a Fall Away Slam. Natsupoi absorbs it though and is able to haul Maika into an impressive German Suplex. She goes for the Fairial Gift, with Maika catching her on the top rope and hauling her up into a Torture Rack. However, the Wonder of Stardom Championship transitions this into another Armbreaker.

It looks very much like this could be the end for Maika, but she is able to eventually hoist Poi – one-armed – into her series of Vertical Suplexes before hitting the Enka Otoshi and another thumping Lariat. Again she goes for the Torture Rack, but again Natsupoi reverses it, this time into a Fairy Blink. However, Maika is able to rock back and change the momentum of the roll-up attempt, reversing it and keeping a wildly-struggling Natsupoi down for the three count.

Post-match, Maika takes to the microphone and points out that with a singles victory here, she has a claim to the Wonder of Stardom Championship. There’s no animosity here however, the two former-Donna Del Mondo partners smile at each other and shake hands following the exchange.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #14 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars B Match: Mayu Iwatani (2) def. Tam Nakano (0) w/ Two-Step Dragon Suplex (13:45)

These two women have a storied rivalry, with Tam as of yet unable to surpass Mayu in singles competition, failing to record a victory. However, the last three matches between the two, dating all the way back to 2021 – and including a match in last year’s 5Star Grand Prix – have gone to the time limit.

Fresh from her haircut at the hands of H.A.T.E, Tam is sporting a new bob-style haircut as well as a look of extreme focus. The opening exchanges see the pair reverse each other’s offence at a frantic pace, which is unsurprising when you consider how well these two know each other, before Tam gains the upper hand with a Violet Shooting and Bicycle Knee Strike. With the action moving to the apron though, Tam goes for another Violet Shooting only for Mayu to reverse it into a Dragon Screw Leg Whip, causing Nakano to land painfully back-first on the apron.

A Suicide Dive follows, with Mayu refusing to allow Tam back into the ring before attacking her again, targeting the knee with shark-like focus. Having had this same knee attacked by Natsuko Tora in Hamamatsu less than a week ago, Tam is clearly struggling to even get to her feet. She is eventually able to drag herself to the top rope in order to stop Mayu with a kick and then hang her with a Guillotine Choke though, following this with a Diving Crossbody to the outside, in spite of this evidently effecting her knee even more.

Tam does block the Dodonpa and hits four consecutive German Suplexes, but the pain in her knee is exacerbated by the impact of missing a move from the top rope. Both women power out of pinfalls at one after each hits a suplex-variation before they wipe each other out with a stereo kicks to the head. Mayu is the first to her feet and looks for the Two-Step Dragon Suplex, but Tam is able to block it before hitting three consecutive Violet Shootings – one of which connects flush with Mayu’s jaw.

Nakano looks for the Violet Screwdriver, but Mayu collapses and Tam can’t deadlift her into the move. It appears she may have been playing possum though as Mayu hits the Dodonpa followed by a Moonsault. She still can’t put Tam away though, and the Shining Stardom Dream gets the closest of two counts with Andromeda – Mayu barely getting out of the hold before the referee’s count of three. Whether it be the damage done to Tam’s knee or whether it simply be the toll of the past week, Tam has little left in the tank and a Dragon Suplex followed by a Two-Step Dragon Suplex is enough to keep Tam down for the count of three.

Tam has still never beaten Mayu in singles competition, and it’s a point not lost on Iwatani who holds her IWGP Women’s Championship mockingly in front of a sobbing Nakano, informing her that the title is still well out of her reach. She screams in rage at Mayu, devastated at her own inability to beat her, before she is led, distraught, from the ring by Yuna Mizumori.

Block Standings

  • Maika (1-0-0): 2 Points
  • Hazuki (1-0-0): 2 Points
  • Konami (1-0-0): 2 Points
  • Natsupoi (0-1-0): 0 Points
  • Manami (0-1-0): 0 Points
  • Ruaka (0-1-0): 0 Points
  • Yuna Mizumori (0-0-0): 0 Points
  • Mayu Iwatani (1-0-0): 2 Points
  • AZM (1-0-0): 2 Points
  • Mei Seira (0-0-1): 1 Point
  • Tamoka Inaba (0-0-1): 1 Point
  • Tam Nakano (0-1-0): 0 Points
  • Momo Watanabe (0-1-0): 0 Points
  • Saya Iida (0-0-0): 0 Points
  • Syuri (1-0-0): 2 Points
  • Anna Jay (1-0-0): 2 Points
  • Miyu Amasaki (1-0-0): 2 Points
  • Starlight Kid (0-1-0): 0 Points
  • Xena (0-1-0): 0 Points
  • Saori Anou (0-1-0): 0 Points
  • Koguma (0-0-0): 0 Points
  • Saya Kamitani (1-0-0): 2 Points
  • Ranna Yagami (1-0-0): 2 Points
  • Hanan (0-0-1): 1 Point
  • Suzu Suzuki (0-0-1): 1 Point
  • Saki Kashima (0-1-0): 0 Points
  • Risa Sera (0-1-0): 0 Points
  • Thekla (0-0-0): 0 Points

You can check out the Stardom roster win/loss records for 2024 right here;

You can check out a comprehensive run down of the Stardom Championship Histories here;

Upcoming Shows

  • Sunday 11th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 2, Shibuya Sports Center, Tokyo (LIVE)
  • Monday 12th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 3 (Afternoon Show), Tochigi Light Cube, Utsonomiya (LIVE)
  • Monday 12th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 3 (Evening Show), Tochigi Light Cube, Utsonomiya (LIVE)
  • Thursday 15th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 4, Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)
  • Saturday 17th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 5, KBS Hall, Kyoto (LIVE)
  • Sunday 18th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 6, Kobe Arts Center, Hyogo (LIVE)
  • Tuesday 20th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 7, EDION Arena Osaka #2, Osaka (LIVE)
  • Friday 23rd August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 8, Sendai PIT, Miyagi (LIVE)
  • Saturday 24th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 9, Fukushima Parse Izaka, Fukushima (LIVE)
  • Sunday 25th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 10, Yamagata Big Wing, Yamagata (LIVE)
  • Wednesday 28th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 11, Shinjuku, Tokyo (LIVE)
  • Saturday 31st August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Championship Match, Musashino Forest Sports Plaza, Tokyo (PPV)
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About Rob Goodwin 271 Articles
Hailing from Stoke-on-Trent, Rob fell back in love with the Wrestling Business in 2016 after a decade-long break. Rob is the host of the PodMania Wrestling Podcast, the StardomCast and reviews retro PPVs - with an odd fascination with 1995 WWF/WCW!

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