SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 5 (Saturday, 17th August 2024)

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom


  • Ami Sohrei will be absent from all cards as she begins the process of recovering from ACL and meniscus tears in her knee. Ranna Yagami will replace her in the 5Star Grand Prix.
  • Kaori Yoneyama – more commonly known as Fukigen Death in Stardom – has also suffered an ACL tear and will be out of action for a year.

Quick Results

  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Saya Kamitani (6) def. Ranna Yagami (2) w/ Star Crusher (8:13)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Xena (4) def. Anna Jay (0) w/ Thunderstruck (10:03)
  • Singles Match: Aya Sakura def. Rian w/ Modified Triangle Choke (6:48)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Hanan (5) def. Thekla (2) w/ Blockbuster Hold (9:42)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Starlight Kid (5) def. Koguma (2) w/ Black Tiger Leg Killer (13:35)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Risa Sera (4) def. Saki Kashima (2) w/ Single Leg Crab Hold (9:50)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Saori Anou (5) def. Miyu Amasaki (0) w/ Temps Tendre (10:20)
Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #1 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Saya Kamitani (6) def. Ranna Yagami (2) w/ Star Crusher (8:13)

Saya currently tops Blue Stars B, and is currently the only unbeaten person in the block. Her opponent today is Ranna Yagami, one of the four people in this block who are 1-1 and sitting at 2 points.

We start with a lock-up, which immediately allows Saya to grab at the hair and snatch in a Side Headlock. Ranna is able to stack Saya on her shoulders before looking to control the waist, but again Saya is able to take control with a Grounded Headlock. As Ranna fights free and makes for the ropes, Saya drives a knee into her back before Snapmaring her over and locking in a Rear Chin Lock. In complete control, Kamitani wraps Ranna in the ropes, poses for the crowd and then kicks her hard in the head, grinning the entire time! 

Ranna looks to fight back, throwing forearms into Saya’s chest, but the Phenex Queen floors her and sends her into the corner, landing the Jumping Knee Strike. However, Yagami is able to turn the tide with a Dropkick before launching some of her booming kicks into Saya’s chest. Kamitani kicks out of the pinfall, but Yagami simply transitions this into a Cross Arm Breaker. Saya does get free and then stamps on Yagami’s foot after feigning to slap her in the face, prompting a swift exchange of strikes which culminates in a big head kick from Ranna and a double down.

Saya misses a Lariat with the resultant Irish Whip before both women launch into Dropkick variations, each making contact with the other’s leg. Again, Ranna is able to ride this momentum and grab a hold of Saya’s arm, wrenching back on it until the Phenex Queen is able to fight her way to the bottom rope with her foot. Ranna looks for an Implant DDT variation, but Saya wriggles free and cuts her off with a Wheel Kick and her Northern Lights Suplex. The Star Crusher is countered before Ranna levels her with a Leg Lariat. Yagami misses the Beat Kick though, with Saya rolling through into her Deadlift Back Suplex. This is enough to keep the spirited Ranna down, and Saya is able to hit the Star Crusher for the victory, staying unbeaten and moving to 6 points at the top of the block.

Perhaps Saya’s most accomplished performance as a heel since her turn, with Ranna playing the perfect underdog babyface. 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #2 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Xena (4) def. Anna Jay (0) w/ Thunderstruck (10:03)

After the upset of beating Saori Anou on the opening night of the tournament, Anna has suffered two consecutive defeats to Starlight Kid and Syuri. A further loss to Xena here (herself 1-1) could be catastrophic for Jay as we approach the business end of the block matches. Meanwhile, a victory for Xena could see her leapfrog Anna and move into second position in the block – for a limited time at least – one point clear of both Saori Anou and Starlight Kid.

We get some chain wrestling, with both women looking to control the arm and Xena showcasing some of her deceptive athleticism to reverse the pressure. Both women miss attempts at the Dangerous Jay Kick, with Anna then snatching in a Side Headlock. In a desparate attempt to get free, Xena tries to stack her up but ends up getting locked in the exact same hold the moment she does manage fight loose. She even tries to scoop Anna into a Back Suplex, but the Queenslayer impressively rides the impact and keeps the headlock locked in. 

Eventually, Xena forces Anna into the corner to break the hold before vaulting over in the opposite corner. Anna once again snatches in the Side Headlock, but ends up being thrown over the top rope to the apron. However, she stuns Xena with a strike before hitting her Neckbreaker through the ropes. She hits an Armdrag as she comes back into the ring, but Xena catches her with a Double Underhook Suplex before hitting the Basement Dropkick in the corner. She sends Anna into the ropes before catching her in the Spinning Sidewalk Slam, adding a few more revolutions to the appreciation of the Kyoto crowd. 

After a failed Fireman’s Carry from Xena, Anna looks to lock in the Queenslayer, but Xena rolls through and plants a Dropkick into her shoulder blades. A Bodyslam attempt from Xena goes wrong, and Anna once again fails to lock in the Queenslayer. However, she does hit the Dangerous Jay Kick in the corner and gets a two count. Xena blocks the attempted Suplex, but gets caught with a Flatliner and locked in a submission. She gets to the ropes, but both women then land Dangerous Jay Kicks before Xena throws Anna across the ring with a Release German Suplex. 

Jay responds to this with a Backstabber before both women get to their knees and begin throwing strikes. Clearly Anna re-evaluates this choice after Xena throws her first chop, and begins to up her own striking game as a result. The chops keep on coming for Anna, though she is able to duck under one in order to lock in the Queenslayer, a very angry red welt already forming on her chest. Xena is eventually able to throw her off, but Jay gets close two counts with two roll-up attempts and a third following a Gory Bomb. Xena kicks out though and thunders – pun intended – through Anna with a Lariat. Having knocked the wind out of her, Xena is able to hoist her up into the Thunderstruck for the victory. 

This is easily Anna’s best match of her tour so far, meshing well with Xena’s style and showcasing yet more improvement. Smooth transitions and a great back and forth make this a very entertaining watch. However, this loss could prove pivotal for Anna’s tournament, having conceded potential tie-breakers to Syuri, Starlight Kid and now Xena!  

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #3 – Aya Sakura def. Rian w/ Modified Triangle Choke (6:48)

We start quickly, with Rian gaining the upper hand with a Dropkick, but Aya reverses a Bodyslam into one of her own for a two count. Having locked in a Crossface, Sakura transitions into a brief Triangle Choke with Rian getting to the ropes to break the hold. Rian erupts into a series of forearms, but is caught with a stiff kicks to the chest in response.

Not to be kept down, Rian attacks with another Dropkick and a Crossbody as she comes off the ropes. Again she tries and fails to hit the Bodyslam, with Sakura baiting her into a battle of forearms which she wins handily. She sends Rian into the corner, but she catches the New Karate Girl with a Headscissors and another Dropkick. She finally hits the Bodyslam but can only get a two count before Aya transitions a Fisherman’s Suplex attempt into a Triangle Choke. 

Rian gets a foot on the ropes, kicks out of a Northern Lights Suplex and then avoids a Diving Knee Strike in order to get a series of increasingly close two counts with a host of roll-ups. She then connects with a Bridging Fisherman’s Suplex before she gets completely wiped out by another Aya kick. Another pair of big kicks to the head get Sakura a two count, but she misses a Roundhouse Kick and almost ends up on the receiving end of roll-up. Rian gets far too over-excited though and ends up running straight into a Roundhouse Kick, with Sakura immediately following this by locking in a Modified Triangle Choke for the eventual submission victory. 

An unexpectedly enjoyable match, with Rian continuing to show a real babyface fire and determination. This pair are another two that seem to have a really good chemistry and bounce off each other very well. Sakura’s integration of the Triangle Choke submission into her arsenal has made her seem significantly more dangerous, and adds another layer to her great litany of kicks.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #4 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Hanan (5) def. Thekla (2) w/ Blockbuster Hold (9:42)

After being rolled up in 20 seconds by Saki Kashima last time out in Korakuen Hall, you can understand Hanan immediately charging Thekla in the corner and hitting a Dropkick, before sending her to the outside with a second. She goes for a Diving Crossbody off the apron, but Thekla ducks and Hanan ends up taking out Ranna Yagami at ringside.

After an amusing moment of Thekla angrily demanding the Kyoto crowd move so she can launch Hanan into the front row, only for the people of Kyoto to not do anything as they don’t understand what she’s saying, Hanan does get posited into the chairs. Thekla follows this up by throwing chairs at her before dragging her back to ringside so she can hit her with a Snap Suplex on the floor. Thekla then snatches Ranna Yagami up into a Bodyslam and throws her on top of the Young Lioness for good measure. 

After Hanan beats the count, Thekla throws her out to a different side of the ring where she again throws her into the first row. Again Hanan beats the count, and tries to fight from underneath with a series of forearms, but Thekla is easily able to weather this, even taking her out of the air with a forearm as Hanan goes for her Springboard Crossbody from the corner. Thekla continues to torture Hanan with a Modified Crossface, but gets caught with a Drop Toe Hold and a volley of Corkscrew Forearms as Hanan begins building up a head of steam. 

Hanan makes it to the top rope and hits her Diving Crossbody, but Thekla slaps herself free of a Back Suplex attempt. Hanan then rolls her Thekla up with Seventeen, only for Konami to pull the referee out before the count of three. Hanan is furious but is caught with a gut punch from Thekla, before The Idol Killer rolls her into a Neck Scissors submission. She follows this up with a pair of Big Boots before hitting the Diving Double Foot Stomp to Hanan’s back for a two count. 

The Young Lioness does spin free of the Dokugumo Death Drop, but is caught with a forearm and a pair of Thrust Kicks to the face. Thekla hits the Spear, but pulls Hanan up before the count of three in a show of ill-advised complacency. This also incenses Hanan, who hits a Headbutt and a Back Suplex. Having stunned Thekla, she hits her Blockbuster Hold for the victory, moving to 5 points in Blue Stars Block B and leaving Thekla to wonder how she snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #5 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Starlight Kid (5) def. Koguma (2) w/ Black Tiger Leg Killer (13:35)

With it being Kid’s 22nd birthday tomorrow, I’m sure two points against Koguma to put her, however briefly, at the top of Blue Stars A is right up there at the top of her list of birthday wishes! 

Immediately following the bell, both women set themselves in their respective trademark poses. With the Kyoto crowd apparently cheering for Kid more than for her, Koguma makes to leave the ring, only for Kid to drag her back in and perform the Kuma dance with her own twist! 

The action starts in earnest then, with both women extremely close to getting the pinfall with roll-up attempts. Koguma wisely rolls from the ring but then struggles to get back in with Kid setting to charge at her when she tries. She does eventually get back in the ring, with Kid hitting a Headscissors and a Dropkick to the leg the moment Koguma is clear of the ropes! 

Having dropped a knee on the injured leg, Kid then performs Koguma’s trademark quick stomps to the it before using the ropes to slingshot herself into one final one. She locks in an Inverted Figure Four Leg Lock, but Koguma gets to the ropes. The High Speed Genius misses a Dropkick, with Kid sidestepping it and hitting a Moonsault onto the injured leg. For the first time, Koguma is able to gain a little momentum in the match-up when she catches an unsuspecting Kid with a DDT and a Splash in the corner. Looking for revenge, Koguma then hits the aforementioned stomps to Kid’s back before getting a two count.

She makes for the top rope, even blocking an Arm Drag when Kid attempts to join her, and the pair engage in a set of forearms. Koguma sets for a Cutter but Kid manages to force her back to the canvas and hit a Diving Crossbody. Following this, she attempts the Black Tiger Leg Killer for the first time, but Koguma makes it to the ropes relatively quickly. Having wisely used the entirety of the referee’s five count, Kid hauls Koguma into the centre of the ring before slipping through her legs and dragging her to the apron where she hits a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. 

With Koguma rolling back into the ring to look for safety, Kid gets to the top rope, but is cut off when Koguma hits a Stun Gun. Instead, it’s the High Speed Genius that takes to the skies with a Diving Crossbody that wipes Kid out on the outside. The action moves back into the ring, and Koguma connects with a Missile Dropkick before locking in a Sleeper Hold. After fighting free however, Kid immediately makes for the injured leg once again. Koguma surges to her feet and delivers some forearms, before ducking under a Kid Lariat and locking in the Sleeperhold again. She ragdolls her around the ring violently before bringing her crashing back to the mat and applying the Bodyscissors. Kid manages to roll out of the way of Koguma’s Diving Body Splash and then hits the Leg Cross Suplex, but as she charges Koguma, The High-Speed Genius evades her and hits her Northern Lights Suplex. 

Koguma goes for another Suplex, but Kid transitions it seamlessly into another Black Tiger Leg Killer before the pair begin trading lightning-fast roll-up attempts. As Koguma kicks out of the final one, Kid uses the momentum to lock her in the Black Tiger Leg Killer, eventually managing to wrap her legs around Koguma’s body as well. With nowhere to go Koguma taps out, giving Starlight Kid the victory. Infuriated, Koguma rolls from the ring and attempts to steal Kid’s entrance mask, but due to being injured can’t run away and SLK is able to catch her with minimal fuss.

Kid continues her fantastic tournament, and brings out what is easily Koguma’s best singles match of 2024, with the latter proving once again that she is so much more than just a comedy wrestler! 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #6 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Risa Sera (4) def. Saki Kashima (2) w/ Single Leg Crab Hold (9:50)

Having achieved the quickest victory of this year’s tournament last time out against Hanan, Saki will be looking for a similarly quick match against a far more formidable opponent in Risa Sera! Meanwhile, Sera is coming into this match off the back of a hard-fought victory against former-Prominence stablemate Suzu Suzuki, and will therefore no doubt be oozing confidence. 

Kashima immediately begins her shill of the E-Fist of the Northstar 10 game, but misinterprets Sera’s interest in what she has to say as an act of aggression and immediately bolts from the ring. She charges backstage with Sera in hot pursuit, leaving Ranna Yagami to promote the game in Saki’s absence. When Sera eventually brings Saki back to the ring, she promises her that she just wants to hear what she has to say and moves to the other side of the ring and puts her hands behind her back. Hilariously, Sera then provides an aggressive critique of Kashima’s delivery, telling her to be louder and more confident. Saki finishes the ad read and whilst Sera and the rest of the Kyoto crowd applaud, she smacks her opponent over the head with the board and attempts an unsuccessful quick pinfall with the Kishikaisei. 

Sera is understandably not happy, and hits the Airplane Spin and her Samoan Driver for a close two count. Saki tries desperately to avoid the Giant Swing, even using the board to reach the ropes, but all in vain and she ends up holding the board as she is hurled around the ring in the Swing. Again, Saki stumbles backstage, with the referee demanding that someone go and find her, which Ranna Yagami does, dragging her back to the ring by her feet. 

Risa then locks a limp Kashima in the Boston Crab and then the Pendulum before performing her Jumping Double Knees to her back. With Saki still claiming to be sick with dizziness, Yagami offers her a bucket, but she hasn’t got enough time to use it before she’s set upon again by Sera. She does manage to hit the Headscissors on Sera in the corner before throwing up spectacularly in the bucket still being held by Ranna.

Saki throws some kicks to Risa before panicking when she realises they have little to no effect. A lucky forearm does knock Risa to the ground, and this emboldens Saki, who is then immediately hit with the Swinging Air Raid Crash and the Reverse Double Knees. Apparently enjoying herself, Risa hits her Running Double Knees in the corner before blocking the Kishikaisei and applying a single leg hold to keep Saki down for the three count. Seemingly as a prize, referee Daichi offers Risa the advertising board, which she opts to smack over Saki’s prone body before leaving. 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #7 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Saori Anou (5) def. Miyu Amasaki (0) w/ Temps Tendre (10:20)

We are in Kyoto tonight, and that means we are in Miyu Amasaki’s hometown. Seeing her in the main event is extremely heart-warming, though she is now in desperate need of two points against the former-Wonder of Stardom champion Saori Anou after losing in 49 seconds to Koguma. A loss won’t eliminate her, but it will put her a long way behind the pack at the top of the block. 

We get Miyu beginning a chant of Kyoto, while one sole second attempts at ringside to get a chant of Shiga going in tribute to Saori’s hometown; even Soari smiles at this. Having had enough however she charges at Miyu, who immediately Dropkicks her knee out from under her and DDTs her. She follows this up with another Dropkick to the back and a Crucifix submission, but Anou is able to get her foot on the ropes. However, she is then able to rather impressively vault over Miyu, hit her with the Northern Lights Suplex and lock in a submission that sees her wrap Miyu’s own arms around her throat. 

Saori sidesteps a Dropkick attempt and stamps hard on Miyu’s back, but she misses a Splash in the corner and is subsequently hit with an Amasaki Dropkick. This initiates a forearm exchange, with the Kyoto crowd getting louder and louder with every Miyu strike. After pummelling Anou with a furious volley of strikes, Miyu plants her with another DDT, only to be caught by a Fisherman’s Suplex from Saori. She ascends to the top rope, but Miyu joins her, Snapmares her back to the canvas and locks in the Crucifix submission once more. Anou gets to the ropes again, but Miyu uses the five count to her advantage before making for the second rope and connecting with a Jumping Sitout Facebuster. This is followed by a Jumping DDT and a Satellite DDT, but Saori kicks out. 

As Miyu charges, Anou catches her with an Enziguri before locking in a brutish submission of her own. It’s Amasaki’s turn now to make desperately for the ropes, but Saori is quick to the top rope in order to hit a Missile Dropkick. It looks like she might be setting for the Temps Tendre, but Miyu is able to reverse this into a Hammerlock DDT. Anou is then able to hoist Miyu into a German Suplex, but she drags herself to her feet immediately and gets a desperately close two count with the Amanohashidate.

As she stares at the referee in disbelief, Saori wipes her out with a Big Boot and then hits her with a Bridging German Suplex that also gets an incredibly close two count. Though it doesn’t get the win, it does drive the resilience out of the hometown girl, and Saori is able to hit the Temps Tendre for the victory immediately after, moving her to the of Blue Stars A alongside Starlight Kid. 

Absolutely no shame in losing this one for Miyu, who played the hometown, gutsy underdog to a tee, and putting in one of her best singles performances of her short career so far.

Block Standings

  • Maika (3-0-0): 6 Points
  • Manami (2-1-1): 5 Points
  • Hazuki (2-1-0): 4 Points
  • Konami (2-2-0): 4 Points
  • Natsupoi (2-1-0): 4 Points
  • Ruaka (0-3-1): 1 Point
  • Yuna Mizumori (0-3-0): 0 Points
  • Mayu Iwatani (3-0-0): 6 Points
  • AZM (2-0-2): 6 Points
  • Tomoka Inaba (2-0-2): 6 Points
  • Mei Seira (1-0-2): 4 Points
  • Saya Iida (1-2-0): 2 Points
  • Tam Nakano (0-3-0): 0 Points
  • Momo Watanabe (0-4-0): 0 Points
  • Starlight Kid (2-1-1): 5 Points
  • Saori Anou (2-1-1): 5 Points
  • Syuri (2-1-0): 4 Points
  • Xena (2-1-0): 4 Points
  • Anna Jay (1-2-0): 2 Points
  • Miyu Amasaki (1-2-0): 2 Points
  • Koguma (1-2-0): 2 Points
  • Saya Kamitani (3-0-0): 6 Points
  • Hanan (2-1-1): 5 Points
  • Risa Sera (2-2-0): 4 Points
  • Suzu Suzuki (1-1-1): 3 Points
  • Thekla (1-2-0): 2 Points
  • Ranna Yagami (1-2-0): 2 Points
  • Saki Kashima (1-3-0): 2 Points

You can check out the Stardom roster win/loss records for 2024 right here;

You can check out a comprehensive run down of the Stardom Championship Histories here;

Upcoming Shows

  • Sunday 18th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 6, Kobe Arts Center, Hyogo (LIVE)
  • Tuesday 20th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 7, EDION Arena Osaka #2, Osaka (LIVE)
  • Friday 23rd August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 8, Sendai PIT, Miyagi (LIVE)
  • Saturday 24th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 9, Fukushima Parse Izaka, Fukushima (LIVE)
  • Sunday 25th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 10, Yamagata Big Wing, Yamagata (LIVE)
  • Wednesday 28th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 11, Shinjuku, Tokyo (LIVE)
  • Saturday 31st August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Championship Match, Musashino Forest Sports Plaza, Tokyo (PPV)
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About Rob Goodwin 270 Articles
Hailing from Stoke-on-Trent, Rob fell back in love with the Wrestling Business in 2016 after a decade-long break. Rob is the host of the PodMania Wrestling Podcast, the StardomCast and reviews retro PPVs - with an odd fascination with 1995 WWF/WCW!

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