SHOW REPORT: Marigold Summer Gold Shine 2024 – Night 10 ~Giulia Last Match: Arrivederci!~ (Monday, 19th August 2024)

Photo Courtesy: Dream Star Fighting Marigold
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  • Rea Seto will be missing from shows until the end of September due to a rib fracture.
  • Zayda Steel returns to action for this show after missing three shows due to back pain.
  • This show marks the debut of rookie Minami Yuuki.
  • 1st Marigold United National Champion Miku Aono has been champion for 38 days. This will be her first title defence.

Quick Results

  • Singles Match: Minami Yuuki def. Komomo Minami w/ Back Drop (9:02)
  • Three-Way Match: Misa Matsui def. Natsumi Showzuki & Nao Ishikawa w/ European Clutch (8:07)
  • 8-Woman Elimination Tag Team Match: MIRAI, Utami Hayashishita, Victoria Yuzuki & Kizuna Tanaka vs. Bozilla, Myla Grace, Zayda Steel & CHIAKI Ended in a Time Limit Draw (20:00)
  • Tag Team Match: Sareee & Arisa Nakajima def. Nanae Takahashi & Chika Goto w/ Armbreaker (15:43)
  • Marigold United National Championship Match: Miku Aono (c) def. Kouki Amarei w/ Styles Clash (21:00)
  • Giulia Last Match: Giulia def. Mai Sakurai w/ Northern Lights Bomb (26:46)

Match #1 – Minami Yuuki def. Komomo Minami w/ Back Drop (9:02)

This match marks Yuuki’s first match in Marigold – though she has previously wrestled a handful of matches in Ice Ribbon – with her challenging Komomo to this match back at Marigold’s last Korakuen Hall show. Minami currently has the unenviable record of 0-16 since her debut in Marigold, and must be licking her lips at the thought of finally getting that all-important 1 in the wins column.

The two exchange waist locks before expanding to an impressive array of chain wrestling reversals, with both locking in Headscissors before springing apart. Komomo is the first to settle into the rhythm of the match, hitting a pair of Snapmares and a Dropkick, rolling through a Yuuki Bodyslam attempt and locking in a Guillotine Choke. Yuuki fights free and begins throwing forearms, but again Komomo overpowers her and hits a Dropkick in the corner before locking in a High-Angled Boston Crab.

Yuuki fights her way to the ropes before then wiping out Komomo with a Dropkick. She rolls her up for a nearfall with a Schoolboy before hitting another Dropkick and following this with a Bodyslam. Komomo is able to turn the tide however, hitting her own Bodyslam before locking in a Fujiwara Armbar. Eventually, Yuuki gets a foot on the ropes, but Komomo immediately sets on her with another volley of Dropkicks. She gets another nearfall with a Schoolboy, but Yuuki then crashes into her with a pair of Dropkicks.

After ragdolling her around the ring with a host of modified Snapmares, Yuuki hoists Komomo into the air out of nowhere to hit a Back Suplex, covering her for the three count to everyone’s surprise!

A victory on debut for Minami Yuuki, but Komomo Minami will I’m sure leave this match wondering how on earth she managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of certain victory.

Match #2 – Misa Matsui def. Natsumi Showzuki & Nao Ishikawa w/ European Clutch (8:07)

After a brief introduction to brand-new and exciting prospect Seri Yamaoka, we get a three-way that sees the continuation of the Superfly feud between Misa Matsui and champion Natsumi Showzuki – all with a pleasing helping of Nao Ishikawa.

Nao is a clear favourite in Korakuen, the crowd chanting her name loudly the moment the bell rings. There’s some really intricate three-way chain wrestling that happens before Ishikawa and Showzuki briefly look to team against Matsui, but the discontent between them stemming from their tag team match from a few weeks back bubbles over again when Showzuki refuses to be whipped into Matsui in the corner. Both Showzuki and Misa then come out of the traps to hit Stereo Dropkicks to Nao and send her rolling from the ring.

This leaves us with the brief one-on-one we all want to see in Matsui and Showzuki. After a flurry of Superfly offence, the pair spring apart, with Ishikawa rejoining the match in time to join in with the pose. This does not please Showzuki and Matsui, who try and see Nao off, but she is able to hit a Double Clothesline. Showzuki is sent from the ring, with Ishikawa taking Matsui down with a Shoulder Tackle and a Cartwheel Bodypress. Misa is soon firmly in control, rolling through and locking Nao into a Stretch Muffler. Natsumi saunters back into the fray here, nonchalantly locking her own submission onto Matsui as retains her grip on the Stretch Muffler.

Natsumi misses a kick and sails out of the ring through the middle ropes, with Misa going to the top rope in order to attempt a Diving Crossbody to the outside. Nao halts this though by attempting to drag her into a German Suplex before she and Misa exhange roll-up attempts. Again, Showzuki reappears and kicks Nao in the head during one of this roll-ups, sending her from the ring again. This leaves Natsumi and Misa in-ring alone once more, and the pair begin trading furious strikes.

Nao tries to interject herself, but both Showzuki and Misa stroll comically out of the way as she launches herself into a Diving Crossbody. Dazed against the ropes, Ishikawa is hit with a Crossbody by Matsui and a Running Double Knees from Showzuki. The pair then try to join forces again Ishikawa, but Nao is able to avoid it and snap both women’s throats off the top rope. She successfully connects with her Diving Crossbody this time to both Matsui and Showzuki, before hitting the former with a Double Underhook Suplex. She then baits Natsumi into going to the top rope before Snapmaring her on top of Matsui.

Nao then tries to make amends by holding Misa in place for a Buzzsaw Kick, but Showzuki will not be fooled twice, and instead hits both women with a kick to the head. Matsui re-enters proceedings to stop a pinfall attempt following a Running Double Knees, but Showzuki moves resulting in her just hitting a Senton onto Nao. Her and Matsui then briefly wrestle around Nao’s prone body in the centre of the ring, before Matsui somehow manages to manoeuvre Ishikawa into the European Clutch for the win; Stewart Fulton on English Commentary likening the win to pickpocketing a grass skirt.

Post-match, we see a brief confrontation between Misa and Natsumi, before the champion kicks Nao hard in the head for having the audacity to let herself be pinned, storming from the ringside area with her championship held close.

Match #3 – MIRAI, Utami Hayashishita, Victoria Yuzuki & Kizuna Tanaka vs. Bozilla, Myla Grace, Zayda Steel & CHIAKI Ended in a Time Limit Draw (20:00)

Not only can you be eliminated from this match via the conventional means of pinfall and submission, but you can also eliminate an opponent via and over the top rope elimination.

It looks initially like Zayda and MIRAI are going to open things up, but with the crowd very vocally behind MIRAI, Zayda tags out to CHIAKI in protest. MIRAI subsequently tags in Kizuna Tanaka, and she and CHIAKI lock up to begin proceedings.

A series of quick tags follow with everybody getting their early opportunity in the match – including a brief monster battle between Bozilla and Utami Hayashishita – before Zayda kicks Yuzuki in the back as she runs the rope to give the first advantage to her team. Bozilla hoists Yuzuki onto her shoulders and presses her out of the ring, only for Utami and MIRAI to catch her before she hits the floor and roll her back into the ring. Team Utami then all take it in turns to Shoulder Tackle Myla Grace, before MIRAI and Utami join forces to lock in a rather innovative submission. Myla is able to kick out of an Utami Bodyslam and initiates a series of forearms, before taking Hayashishita off her feet with a Lariat and tagging in CHIAKI.

She and Zayda Steel team well in order to gain the upper hand on Utami before the latter wipes them both out with a Dropkick and makes the tag to Yuzuki. CHIAKI hits her Cartwheel Double Knees to the back before flooring her with a Shoulder Tackle and bringing Zayda back into the match. With her usual volley of trash talk, Steel lands a host of kicks and a Backstabber, but Yuzuki surprises her with the Rolling Arrow for the three count, leading to the first elimination of the match.

Looking for revenge for her fallen tag partner, Myla Grace comes in but eats a Triangle Face Crusher with Yuzuki then tagging in Kizuna Tanaka. The pair of rookies then briefly dominate Myla, until the latter lands a Superkick and Michinoku Driver for a two count. Grace kicks out of a Bridging Fisherman’s Suplex, but falls foul to the Re:Dream, with Tanaka getting the three count to put her team 4-2 to the good.

CHIAKI enters the fray and immediately snatches in a claw on Tanaka’s face. However, after trying to transition it into a slam, Tanaka is able to get free and grab CHIAKI’s arm into a Fujiwara Armbar. CHIAKI gets a foot to the ropes though and, after Tanaka connects with a Clothesline, she’s able to make the tag to Yuzuki. Despite some brief offence, Yuzuki is then hit with a Spear in the ropes followed by a Bridging Fisherman’s Suplex which she manages to kick out of before CHIAKI tags in Bozilla. In short order, The Biggest Kaiju wipes out all four members of the opposition before catching Tanaka and pressing her on top of Yuzuki. She hits the pair with a Double Chokeslam before then eliminating both of them with back-to-back Powerbombs.

MIRAI doesn’t fair much better, as she attempts to bait Bozilla into a low bridge, only for the German Powerhouse to stop and haul her into another Powerbomb attempt. MIRAI gets free with a rather-untidy modified-Destroyer, but Bozilla kicks out at two. Looking to keep Bozilla grounded, MIRAI locks in a Triangle Choke, but Bozilla manages to get to her feet and attempt to One-Arm Powerbomb MIRAI over the top rope. She’s saved by Utami, with the pair managing to negotiate Bozilla onto the apron. As she attempts to climb back through the ropes, MIRAI catches her leg with a Dragon Screw Leg Whips and then manages to send Bozilla to the floor with a Dropkick, eliminating her and leaving CHIAKI to face Utami and MIRAI on her own.

It doesn’t seem to be a problem for the Dark Wolf mind you, with her instantly managing to drag MIRAI to the apron. Utami looks to help out but accidentally smashes into MIRAI with a forearm, allowing for a bitter Bozilla and a CHIAKI chair shot to eliminate MIRAI via over the top rope elimination.

With one person left on each team and the time-limit rapidly approaching, Utami Dropkicks the chair out of CHIAKI’s hand and blocks a Spear attempt. CHIAKI connects with a Spinning Powerslam and attempts to get Utami in position for the Torture Rack. Utami wriggles free though and launches her across the ring with a German Suplex. She levels CHIAKI with the Lariat but as she looks to stack her up, the bell for the time limit sounds, much to surprise of Stewart Fulton on commentary. Utami and CHIAKI continue to grapple after the bell, while MIRAI does her best to keep out of range of a furious Bozilla.

Match #4 – Sareee & Arisa Nakajima def. Nanae Takahashi & Chika Goto w/ Armbreaker (15:43)

There’s a huge amount of history here, all stemming from the SEAdLNNNG promotion – the company that Nanae formed back in 2015 and the top championship of which is, ironically, currently held by Sareee having won it from Arisa Nakajima! Arisa is well and truly on the final days of her retirement road, hanging up her boots after an unbelievably decorated career on the 23rd August. When Nanae left SEAdLNNNG in 2021, Arisa proffered an open contract for another match for Nanae following an incredible hair vs. hair match, with Sonny Guttierez on commentary noting the bad feelings between the two at the time. Nanae is seemingly cashing in that opportunity here, with Nakajima accepting the invitation but promising that it wouldn’t be pretty and that it would be a fight.

Speaking of the contract, Nanae has it with her and tears it up in Nakajima’s face before grabbing a great fistful of her hair. Eventually the pair are separated, but with Arisa giving Nanae a withering look that could curdle milk, you know that when she does eventually get a hold of Nanae, it’s going to be explosive! Arisa makes first contact with a forearm before looking for a waist lock. The pair jostle for position with Nakajima looking to mount Takahashi before transitioning into a Cross-Arm Breaker, but Nanae is quick to transition out of it and hit a Side Headlock Takedown before Arisa unloads with some more forearms. Nanae responds with kicks and an Elbow Drop before tagging Chika Goto.

Nanae and Goto hit Double Shoulder Tackles before the latter goes for a Giant Swing. Nakajima gets free and imperiously shrugs off a set of kicks before raining down forearms into Chika Goto. A series of Hairmares follow before Nakajima hits Dropkick in the corner and tags in the Marigold World Champion Sareee who, it is worth mentioning, is still suffering a fracture in her wrist. Sareee plants two stiff kicks into Goto’s back before sitting into an Inverted Figure Four Leg-Lock and transitioning into a Muta Lock. Goto struggles to get back to her feet, but hits a forearm before Sareee blitzes her with one of her own. Goto does connect with a Big Boot however, and staggers to Nanae for a much-needed tag.

Nanae and Sareee explode into each other with forearms before the former sends her to the mat with a Shoulder Tackle. Unwisely, she then ducks under a Sareee Lariat and makes a bee-line for Arisa on the ring apron. She baits her into the ring and even looks to hit a Double Suplex, only for Nakajima and Sareee to reverse it into one of their own.

A pair of Missile Dropkicks follow from Sareee, but Nanae is able to kick out. She tags in Nakajima who lays in kicks to Nanae’s face with Takahashi brushing them off and flooring Arisa with a Lariat. Nakajima gets her own back though seconds later by hoisting Nanae into a German Suplex. She makes for the top rope and lands a Missile Dropkick, but she can only get a two count before elbowing her way out of a Back Suplex. Nanae keeps coming though, and is a hair’s breadth away from securing the win with the Nana Racka, but Arisa kicks out at two.

More thunderous forearms fly, with Nanae encouraging Arisa to keep bringing as many strikes as possible; a request she gladly acquiesces to! Another Lariat follows from Nanae, but Arisa bounces straight back up and hits a Dragon Suplex. It’s Nanae’s turn to immediately get to her feet, and the pair meet in the middle of the ring with simultaneous forearms which leads to a double down!

Chika Goto and Sareee are tagged in, and the former wastes no time at all hitting the Giant Swing. Sareee responds to this indignity with a bruising forearm, but Goto lands a whole host of her own. It’s not enough to put a dent in Sareee though, and her and Arisa begin a warped game of tennis by bouncing Goto between them with forearms. Nanae gets back into the ring to save her partner, encouraging Sareee and Arisa to do it to her instead, which they gladly do! Sareee and Nakajima continue to torture Goto and Takahashi, Arisa hitting Nanae with a Marine Spike and Sareee punting Chika across the ring.

Nanae explodes out of the corner though and hits a huge Lariat, with Chika Goto following suit before landing the Chokeslam to Sareee, with Nakajima hitting a Double Footstomp to break up the ensuing pinfall. Nanae desperately breaks up a pinfall following a Sareee Diving Double Footstomp which results in Chika almost sneaking a win with a quick roll-up. As Nakajima keeps Takahashi occupied in the corner, Sareee ducks under a Goto Lariat and locks in a brutal-looking Modified Armbreaker, leaving Chika no choice but to verbally submit.

Following the match, Sareee takes to the microphone to reiterate just how strong her team with Arisa is and talks about how they could never lose to such a ‘small’ team. Sareee then makes a point to target Nanae and says she knows she will be coming back. As they make to leave, Nanae screams at them to wait saying that even though she can’t say she took the win here tonight, she wants to highlight just how well Chika Goto did in defeat. She thanks both her opponents for stepping into the Marigold ring, and even offers a hand to Arisa. Though she initially briefly acknowledges the gesture with a quick bow, Nakajima then flips her the middle finger and strides, victorious, from Korakuen Hall.

Have we just alluded to the first challenger to Sareee’s Marigold World Championship? Her and Nanae are in the same league for the Dream Star Grand Prix after all…

Match #5 – Marigold United National Championship Match: Miku Aono (c) def. Kouki Amarei w/ Styles Clash (21:00)

After the official announcement video that sees the confirmation of the Marigold Dream Star Grand Prix blocks (or leagues as they will be referred to), we move on to our semi-main event.

This match will forever hold a small place in the Marigold record books, as it is the first ever Marigold title defence. Miku Aono has held the United National Championship since Summer Destiny in July, with Kouki Amarei rising to the fore as challenger after securing a tag team victory over Aono and Kizuna Tanaka back at the start of August, though of course she did confront Aono prior to this during Marigold’s last foray into Korakuen Hall that saw Aono and Showzuki eliminate the tWin toWers from the Marigold Twinstar Championships tournament. Also worth noting, as highlighted by Sonny Gutierrez on commentary, Kouki was unsuccessful in the pair’s last singles championship match, coming in Korakuen Hall when Aono defeated Amarei in the finals of the AWG Championship tournament to be crowned the inaugural champion back in March of 2023. It has therefore become something of a driving force for Kouki – undefeated in singles action in Marigold thus far – to take the belt from Miku Aono.

In spite of this, we get a stoic shake of hands before we surge into our first lock-up, with Aono breaking away after a stalemate in the centre of the ring. Next, we get a Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock, which it looks like Anou might be able to power her way out of, only for Kouki to slam her to the mat and grab in a Front Face Lock. This is followed by a cagey set of reversals, clearly neither woman wanting to be the first to make a mistake. It’s Aono that makes first decisive contact, flooring Kouki with a Dropkick, but as she comes off the rope for a second, Amarei flattens her with a Big Boot and follows it with another when the champion attempts to Kip-Up.

Kouki continues with the Big Boots until Miku chases her into the corner and hits a Dropkick. However, the challenger rolls out of the way of a Basement Dropkick and rains down some stomps before hoisting Aono up into a Bodyslam. Following this, Amarei grabs Miku’s legs and manoeuvres her into a very High-Angled Boston Crab before then sitting deeper into it and changing the focus to just a single leg. Once Aono gets to the ropes, Amarei misses another Big Boot, allowing the champion to grab the leg and kick it before then snapping it off the top rope. Aono begins her assault on Amarei’s right leg, hitting a Shin-Buster before locking in a modified Sharpshooter.

Amarei seems to give herself a bit of space by utilising the Big Boot once again, and this initiates a thunderous exchange of forearms, which Aono eventually comes out on top of. She connects with a Lariat, but then misses with a second, allowing Amarei to low bridge and send her tumbling to the apron. A frantic exchange of suplex reversals follow, before Aono physically kicks Amarei’s leg out from under her and then hits a PK to the chest. With Amarei looking in all sorts of trouble now, Aono sends another kick into the spine before taking a run up and charging in – only for Amarei to catch her with a Spinning Powerslam to the floor.

The champion just beats the 20 count but, after wriggling off the shoulders of Amarei, she gets planted with a Spinebuster. Kouki moves to the top rope in order to attempt the Amethyst Butterfly, but Aono is initially able to block it. Once she kicks Miku clean off the top rope, Amarei takes to the sky but only finds canvas with the Amethyst Butterfly. Aono spies her chance and kicks her hard chest before locking Amarei in her variation of the Buffalo Sleeper – the Miku Lock. Kouki eventually gets to the ropes, but Aono uses the top rope to hit her with a Slingshot Fisherman’s Suplex before connecting with a Missile Dropkick. Amarei is far from done though and immediately powers to her feet to hit a Cutter and a Back Drop.

As we reach the 15-minute mark, both women begin raining down desperate forearms, rolling on top of each other as they continue to land as many thumping blows as they can. Eventually it’s the champion that comes out on top and hits the Double Underhook Suplex, but she’s stopped in her tracks with a Dropkick. Amarei locks in her own submission, beautifully flipping over the champion as she nears the ropes to transition the move into a modified-Cattle Mutilation. She then almost gets the three-count with the Dominator, before successfully connecting with the Amethyst Butterfly – only for Miku to get the arm before the three count. Kouki misses the Lariat, allowing Miku to hit her own Ripcord variation, but she can’t quite connect with the Styles Clash.

The pair exchange quick roll-up attempts before Aono climbs into another Lariat to the back of Kouki’s head, followed by a Buzzsaw Kick. Amarei does survive – just – but hasn’t got enough left in the tank to stop Miku hitting the Styles Clash. She gets the three count, and achieves her first successful title defence of the Pure White Championship, handing Kouki her first singles loss in the process.

Post-match, Miku takes to the microphone and says that, even though she feels Kouki is still far away from this title, she felt her growth during this match. Kouki delivers an impassioned promo that reiterates that she will eventually take the belt from Aono, before slapping away the champion’s extended hand. Taking to the microphone once more, Miku name drops both Chika Goto and Mai Sakurai as potential challengers but says that she welcomes any other challenges as well.

Match #6 – Giulia def. Mai Sakurai w/ Northern Lights Bomb (26:46)

A chill runs down the spine as Giulia makes her last ever-appearance in Korakuen Hall, gifting her spiked glasses to CHIAKI before being covered in streamers.

It’s a hugely emotional moment as the friends and former-Donna Del Mondo stablemates stare at each other across the ring for the last time before Giulia calls for silence, and they lock up. Giulia forces Mai into the ropes, but The Lady of the Ring is able to flip the pressure and end up in control in the ropes. There’s no clean break though, as Mai aims a wild forearm at Giulia but misses. They lock up again and fight aggressively to the other side of the ring, until Giulia eventually comes out on top. It’s here that Giulia decides to offer forth her hand in a show of respect, but the moment Mai takes it, Giulia looks to haul her into a Back Drop Suplex. Mai kicks free though before Giulia locks in a Neck Scissors, the pair then jostling cagily for the dominant position on the mat.

After springing apart without a definitive winner, Giulia grabs Mai into a Camel Clutch. Mai kicks free of the Glorious Driver, and Giulia a Showstopper before she then pins the latter’s arms against her sides and delivers a headbutt, much to the Korakuen crowd’s delight. Guttierez makes the point that this is the most serious we’ve ever seen Mai just as she begins driving Giulia’s head repeatedly into the corner pads and then delivers a Big Boot to send her careening through the middle ropes to the outside. We then go chair bowling, with Mai moving the Korakuen crowd and sending Giulia into the front row. Unfortunately for her, Giulia then gets some payback when the referee stops Mai using a chair to increase the damage.

The intensity increases as Giulia then takes Mai to the top of the east staircase and begins thumping her head off the sign, before taking the time to dance enthusiastically to the chants of her own name. Rather than return the action to the ring though, Mai takes the chance to launch Giulia into the north side of chairs before the latter gets more revenge with a Snap Suplex on the floor. Giulia retrieves a table from somewhere but is stopped from using it when Mai attacks her from behind. As Mai rolls into the ring, Giulia hits her with a Shining Black, only for Sakurai to power up and hit a volley of forearms. She’s a little too over-zealous however, and finds her self trapped in the Rings of Saturn.

Sakurai does eventually get to the ropes with her foot, though Giulia immediately hoists her into a Hammerlock Suplex for a two count. She makes for the top rope, only for Mai to take her down with a Superplex. She then goes airborne to hit a Missile Dropkick, but Giulia rolls through and hits a German Suplex, only for Mai to roll through the impact and launch her entire bodyweight into a Leg Lariat. The pair then exchange ferocious headbutts, before Giulia floors Mai with a forearm, which prompts another fiery exchange. Giulia fails with a Back Drop Suplex, but Sakurai is able to connect with a Showstopper for a two count.

She hits a Snap Suplex of her own and makes to the top rope once again. However, Giulia rises to her feet and sends Mai crashing to the outside. After usurping a fan from their seat in the front row, Giulia starts an argument with the referee, resulting in a slap before she makes her way to the table and sends Mai crashing through it with a Piledriver. The referee arrives and tells Giulia she needs to pay for the table, before then hilariously starting to cheer on Sakurai. Meanwhile, Giulia takes another run up looking for a Shotgun Dropkick, only to be clobbered in the face when Sakurai launches a bucket into her face. The Lady of the Ring then follows this up by taking to the skies with a huge Diving Crossbody to the outside.

The action returns to the inside of the ring, where Giulia slaps Mai hard in the face before the latter responds with three consecutive boots to the face. She only gets a two count, so she slaps Giulia across the face and goes to the top rope once more to hit her Diving Elbow Drop. Giulia continues to kick out, forcing Mai to risk it all again by going to the top, but pays the price when Giulia takes her down with an Avalanche Double Underhook Suplex. However, Mai Sakurai gets free of another Glorious Driver attempt, hitting a Bridging Tiger Suplex and then hits her own Glorious Driver, only for Giulia to kick out at 1.

Giulia throws a Back Suplex after briefly teasing rolling Mai up with the Mai Pan Roll, but then runs straight into another Big Boot from Mai, who then immediately dives on her to lock in the STF. It takes an age, but Giulia is finally able to get a hand on the bottom rope. When Giulia then kicks out of a Pumphandle Side Slam, Mai falls to her knees and begins dropping forearms and elbows into the back of Giulia’s head before increasing the intensity with a series of rapid-fire headbutts. Giulia gets up however and screams for Sakurai to bring even more, which she emphatically does!

Giulia does manage to stagger to her feet before the referee’s count of 10, before then catching Mai as she comes off the ropes into a Northern Lights Bomb. Too exhausted to make the cover straight away, Giulia drags herself towards Sakurai, but Mai catches her with the Mai Pain Roll which garners her the closest of nearfalls! Unable to get the win after all of this dominance seemingly drains Mai of her remaining fight, and Giulia connects with the G-Trigger, the Glorious Driver and a second Northern Lights Bomb, only for Sakurai to remain in the fight by the barest of margins.

This truly is the end of Sakurai however, who eats a G-Trigger to the back of the head before Giulia hoists her once again into a third Northern Lights Bomb for the victory.

You can check out the Marigold roster win/loss records for 2024 right here;

You can check out a comprehensive run down of the Marigold Championship Histories here;

Upcoming Shows

  • Saturday 24th August – Marigold Summer Gold Shine 2024 – Night 11, Shin-Kiba 1st RING, Tokyo (LIVE)
  • Sunday 25th August – Marigold Summer Gold Shine 2024 – Night 12, Shin-Kiba 1st RING, Tokyo (LIVE)
  • Saturday 31st August – Marigold Dream Star Grand Prix 2024 – Opening Night (Afternoon Show), EDION Arena Osaka #2, Osaka (LIVE)
  • Saturday 31st August – Marigold Dream Star Grand Prix 2024 – Opening Night (Evening Show), EDION Arena Osaka #2, Osaka (LIVE)
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About Rob Goodwin 265 Articles
Hailing from Stoke-on-Trent, Rob fell back in love with the Wrestling Business in 2016 after a decade-long break. Rob is the host of the PodMania Wrestling Podcast, the StardomCast and reviews retro PPVs - with an odd fascination with 1995 WWF/WCW!

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