SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 11 (Wednesday, 28th August 2024)

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom


  • Ami Sohrei will be absent from all cards as she begins the process of recovering from ACL and meniscus tears in her knee. Ranna Yagami will replace her in the 5Star Grand Prix.
  • Kaori Yoneyama – more commonly known as Fukigen Death in Stardom – has also suffered an ACL tear and will be out of action for a year.
  • Due to poor physical condition, Lady C will miss the shows on the 23rd, 24th and 25th August.

Quarter-Final Standings (As of the 28th August 2024)

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Quick Results

  • 5Star Grand Prix Red Stars B Play-In Match: AZM def. Mei Seira & Tomoka Inaba (2-1-1) w/ Azumi Sushi (11:47)
  • 5Star Grand Prix Blue Stars B Play-Off Match: Hanan def. Suzu Suzuki w/ Back Drop Hold (10:34)
  • Tag Team Match: Tam Nakano & Hina def. H.A.T.E (Natsuko Tora & Rina) w/ Andromeda (13:48)
  • 5Star Grand Prix Red Stars Quarter-Final #2: Mayu Iwatani def. Natsupoi w/ Two-Step Dragon Suplex (11:28)
  • 5Star Grand Prix Blue Stars Quarter-Final #2: Saya Kamitani def. Starlight Kid w/ Spinning Star Crusher (15:53)
  • 5Star Grand Prix Blue Stars Quarter-Final #1: Hanan def. Syuri w/ Seventeen (13:02)
  • 5Star Grand Prix Red Stars Quarter-Final #1: Maika def. AZM w/ Wrist-Clutch Michinoku Driver II (11:11)
Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #1 – 5Star Grand Prix Red Stars B Play-In Match: AZM def. Mei Seira & Tomoka Inaba (2-1-1) w/ Azumi Sushi (11:47)

We’re opening the show tonight with perhaps one of the most unique set of circumstances in 5Star history. All three of these women ended the block phase on 8 points, but as the three matches between the trio all ended in draws, there is no tiebreakers to separate them. Therefore, we have a three-way of sorts, comprising a series of singles matches between the three, with the first two pinfalls progressing through to tonight’s quarter-final main event against Maika.

The rules are slightly confusing, with even Mei Seira struggling with the basis of it initially. Eventually however, with the drawing of straws, we open with AZM and Mei. The pair explode into a typically frantic high-speed exchange with Mei offering a hand to her NEOGENESIS stablemate following a stalemate. Of course Mei uses this to drag AZM into an unsuccessful German Suplex before the latter then attempts a Destroyer. It’s AZM that gets the first real footing in the match, managing to lock in an Armbar and hoist Mei into a Vertical Suplex. However, Mei appears to be playing possum and almost catches her with a roll-up. We trade Shooting Stars and Azumi Sushis until Mei is able to keep AZM’s shoulders to the mat for a three count.

Mei Seira 1, AZM 0, Tomoka Inaba 0 (2:39)

With Mei the first to one fall, it brings Inaba into match. Mei starts by going for the leg, but Inaba is able to transition into a Crossface, before wiping her out with a PK. Mei kicks out and then reverses a One Hit Kill Tomoka Kick and hits a Dropkick. Knowing that one more pinfall will see her through, Mei goes for a wild forearm but misses and almost ends up paying the price with a series of Inaba roll-ups. Seira recovers and launches Inaba across the ring with a Release German Suplex, but Inaba then hits two consecutive Knee Strikes to Mei’s face for a 2 count. Seira fights free of the Inaba Drop and comes within a whisker of getting the pin with a Shooting Star. However, in her excitement, Mei runs straight into a High Kick. Following this, Inaba powers her into the Inaba Drop for the victory, with her and Mei now sitting at one win a-piece.

Mei Seira 1, AZM 0, Tomoka Inaba 1 (3:14)

Inaba then doesn’t even wait for the bell before attacking AZM, with the action immediately going to the outside. They unleash a host of forearms into each other before knocking each other to the ground with stereo head kicks that almost means we get a repeat of their countout earlier in the tournament. With the action safely in the ring, the pair begin trading forearms again until Inaba catches her with a Pop-Up Knee and a High Kick. She doesn’t get the three count, and AZM gets free of the Inaba Drop, managing to manoeuvre Inaba into a European Clutch for the victory, leaving all three women at one singles victory each.

Mei Seira 1, AZM 1, Tomoka Inaba 1 (3:00)

Mei and AZM explode into one another once again, with AZM getting an incredibly close pinfall attempt with the Azumi Sushi, before a quick trade of roll-ups leads to Mei hitting a Release German Suplex. She looks to hit a Springboard Dropkick, but AZM manages to take her out of the air with a kick. They stagger to their feet, with AZM hitting her Leg Trap Suplex and a head kick for a two count before getting Mei into position for a Destroyer. However, Seira then beautifully transitions this into a Pop-up Cutter and an Azumi Sushi for another painfully close two-count. Mei attempts the Checkmate, but AZM wriggles free and plants her with a Destroyer, immediately following this with the Azumi Sushi for the decisive victory; AZM progresses to face Maika in the quarter-finals.

Mei Seira 1, AZM 2, Tomoka Inaba 1 (2:54)

It’s been quite the war between these three over the tournament, and this match highlights more than ever what incredible talents they all are. We get a three-way handshake that I desperately hope means that we will be revisiting this again soon. The shame of the matter is that only one can progress, but on the balance of the tournament as a whole, AZM deserves her place in the mai event.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #2 – 5Star Grand Prix Blue Stars B Play-Off Match: Hanan def. Suzu Suzuki w/ Back Drop Hold (10:34)

It’s not a great start for the Young Lioness when she walks down the wrong steps in Shinjuku FACE and has to double back and complete her entrance from the correct staircase. These two fought to a double count out on the opening night, with the aggression between continuing to bubble after the bell.

Suzu wastes no time dragging Hanan to the outside by her feet and then launching her into the crowd, before then doing the same on the other side of the ring. She brings Hanan back into the ring in order to drape her through the ropes so she can hit the Drive-By, and though she connects with it, it apparently wakes Hanan up, and she begins to fight back with a series of forearms.

Suzu is quick to reassert control though, slamming into Hanan with a Spear before locking in a Kneebar. She launches Hanan into the ropes, but Hanan can’t connect with her Crossbody due to her knees giving her way. She does however hit the Hip Toss before then crashing to the back of Suzu as she sits in the ropes for a two count. We get a furious set of reversals, with Suzu then flattening Hanan with a stiff shot across the face. Never one to back down, Hanan meets fire with fire before they then take in turns dragging each other to the canvas by their hair and then taking it in turns delivering a headbutts.

It’s Suzu that’s up first, and she crashes into Hanan with another forearm, but Hanan is quick to stop her coming off the top rope, bringing her down with a Back Suplex. Buoyed by this new surge of momentum, Hanan tries the Blockbuster Hold, but Suzu reverses it and hits a Poisonrana. Hanan kicks free and ploughs through Suzu with a Corkscrew Forearm. Suzuki kicks out of a Blockbuster Hold and Hanan a Tequila Shot.

We get a flurry of suplex reversals, but Hanan rides the wave of momentum and phenomenal energy in the venue to power Suzu into back-to-back Back Suplexes for the hardest of hard-earned victories, progressing to the quarter-finals to meet Syuri.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #3 – Tam Nakano & Hina def. H.A.T.E (Natsuko Tora & Rina) w/ Andromeda (13:48)

This is acting as a preview tag team match ahead of the two title matches on the final night of the 5Star Grand Prix; the Future of Stardom Championship match between record-breaking champion Rina and her sister Hina, and Natsuko Tora’s first defence of the World of Stardom Championship against Tam Nakano.

Tam and Tora confidently match forward to start proceedings, going nose-to-nose with each other before trading forearms and slaps across the face. The moment Tam tries to do something different however, Tora slips around and Lariats her bad leg from behind. Thankfully, Hina’s help means that she isn’t targeted for too long, and she’s able to hit a Diving Crossbody to outside. Unfortunately, Tora is able to avoid it amongst the see of people Tam does take out, and she begins launching Nakano all around Shinjuku FACE, throwing chairs at her leg before rolling her back into the ring.

Tora drops elbow after elbow onto Tam’s injured knee before kicking hard at it while she’s defenceless in the ropes. Rina enters proceedings, and she takes over where Tora left off in savagely attacking Nakano’s injured knee. The limb continues to hinder Tam’s ability to run the ropes, though she is eventually able to hit a Cutter onto Rina and tag in Hina. She’s a house of fire initially, but Rina hits a boot and a Dropkick for a two count before attempting the Hydrangea. Hina responds by hitting an S.T.O and a Neckbreaker before she powers up after being hit with a Nothern Lights Suplex.

Both women tag out to their respective partners, with Tam hitting a Running Knee only to immediately have it chopped from under her again by Tora. The World of Stardom Championship attempts the Grand Death Lock, but Tam gets to the ropes. She desperately tries to fight back, but is flattened by a Ripcord Lariat. With Hina’s help again Tam is able to hit a Violet Shooting and avoid being hit in the head by a chair, before getting a close two count with a Tiger Suplex. However, as Tam charges at Tora once again, the Champion hurls a chair from out of nowhere at Tam’s injured leg and dives in her to lock in the Grand Death Lock.

After what feels like years locked in the hold, Tam finally drags herself to the ropes before hitting Tora in the leg with a chair as she goes for a Cannonball. She can’t capitalise though, and H.A.T.E are able to reassert control with Tam eating a Diving Double Knee Drop and a Swanton Bomb. Tora makes a mistake however in not going for the pinfall and attempting to hoist Tam into the Death Valley Bomb. Tam gets free and kicks the weakened leg of Tora before rolling her up with the Andromeda for the suprise victory, and all-important momentum builder ahead of their showdown on Sunday.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #4 – 5Star Grand Prix Red Stars Quarter-Final #2: Mayu Iwatani def. Natsupoi w/ Two-Step Dragon Suplex (11:28)

Mayu won Red Stars B block in its a loss to AZM the sole blemish on her 5-1 record, whilst Natsupoi qualified courtesy of a 15-minute time-limit draw against Hazuki.

Poi immediately attempts a Suplex following a handshake, before we get a period of chain-wrestling. The pace intensifies, and Poi again goes for the German Suplex, only for Mayu to get free. Mayu goes for the Evasion Dropkick, but Poi kicks her out of the air before slamming into the back of her with a Dropkick of her own, then applying the Bodyscissors and wrenching Mayu’s arms back. Natsupoi gets her begins an assault on Mayu’s right arm, but is halted with a Slingblade. Natsupoi wipes Mayu out with a Superkick but misses her Dropkick in the ropes when Mayu moves and then hits one of her own.

The impact sends Poi through the ropes to the outside, but she misses a Suicide Dive when Natsupoi scampers to the top rope and hits a Diving Crossbody. She then hits another when the action returns to the ring, immediately locking Mayu’s injured arm into a Cross-Arm Breaker. Mayu gets to the ropes, but this gives Poi the chance to slam into her with her Dropkick. Mayu stands and attempts to match Poi with forearms, but then Wonder of Stardom champion is unusually focussed during this match and she drives Mayu to the canvas. She goes to the top rope, but at the second time of asking, Mayu joins her and begins unloading a ferocious set of forearms into the back of Poi’s neck before hitting a Superplex.

Steadying herself on the top rope, Mayu hits the Frogsplash but only gets a two count. Natsupoi then fights free of a Dragon Suplex, landing a Release German Suplex of her own before then flattening Mayu with a Superkick. Mayu gets the knees up on the Fairial Gift and hits the Superkick. She hits her own German Suplex, but can’t land the Dragon Suplex, with Natsupoi attempting the Fairy Ring. Mayu sits into the pin, but even that only brings a two count, though she is then able to hoist Poi into a Tombstone Piledriver. This seems to drive the remaining fight out of Natsupoi, with Mayu hitting a pair of German Suplexes before finally connecting with the Two-Step Dragon Suplex for the victory.

This was such a raw battle between these two, ferocious in every sense of the word. We are so used to seeing beautifully crafted matches from these two that something as violent as this stands out. The fact both women seemed truly exhausted and seemed completely disorientated goes to show much each put into this. Without a doubt one of the matches of the tournament between two of the best on Stardom’s loaded roster. As has been the case before, the only negative is that one of these two has to be eliminated, as Natsupoi showed once again here why she was so missed at the beginning of the year and has been on a different plain since her return in March.

Run it back for the Wonder of Stardom Championship as soon as is humanly possible.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #5 – 5Star Grand Prix Blue Stars Quarter-Final #2: Saya Kamitani def. Starlight Kid w/ Spinning Star Crusher (15:53)

Saya for pretends not to hear the chants of her name and snatches in a Headlock on SLK before sending her to the outside with a Big Boot. She sends her into the front row of chairs before sitting atop the wall separating the two levels of Shinjuku to wait for Kid to get to her feet. They then begin fighting on the wall, Kid slamming Kamitani’s knee into the wall before then attempting an Asai Moonsault, only for Saya to push her off the wall so that Rina can attack her.

When the action returns to the ring, Saya sets about stamping on Kid’s back, stomping on her head in the ropes as the crowd boos. Kamitani continues her assault on Kid’s back and then quells a potential fight back with a swift slap across the face. Kid hits the Dropkick, and then cranks Kamitani’s knee as she begins her own targeted offence. She hits the Moonsault to the knee but Kamitani is able to slip through the ropes to the apron and rake the eyes. This backfires somewhat when Kid is able to avoid an attempted Springboard Dropkick to hit a Dragon Screw Leg Whips off the apron.

Moving back into the ring, Kid locks in the Black Tiger Leg Killer, only for Saya to get free by taking the eyes once more. After wiping SLK out with a Wheel Kick, she follows it up with a Shotgun Dropkick and a Springboard Laria but then misses a Kamigoye, with Kid flattening her with a Running Double Knees to the back.

Kid makes for the top rope a second time, but Kamitani impressively deadlifts her from the rope into two consecutive Fisherman’s Suplexes. Kid responds however by blocking the third and hitting a Cross Legged Suplex, she gets a two count, and then gets another with a Bridging Tiger Suplex, though a Kamitani getting the knees up from a Moonsault attempt results in a double down. It’s Kid that is up first, and she locks in the Black Tiger Leg Killer, though Saya is eventually able to get herself free. Kid sets for a Suplex, but Saya transitions it into a Star Crusher. She can’t go for the pin though, and Kid is able to get her own incredibly close nearfall with the Momo Latch just afterwards.

The crowd are at fever pitch now, with Kid channeling this energy to get straight up after a Kamitani Pump Kick. Unfortunately, she gets straight up into another Pump Kick, which allows Saya the chance to hit the Corkscrew Kick to SLK’s back. From out of absolutely nowhere, Kid then transitions another Star Crusher into a Jumping Black Tiger Piledriver, almost deadlifting Saya into position before following it up with a Moonsault. When Saya kicks out, Kid tries for the Star Suplex, but Saya rolls through into a Deadlift Powerbomb before finally hauling Kid in to a Spinning Star Crusher for the victory.

I thought the previous match would take some beating in the Match of the Tournament stakes, but I certainly didn’t expect it to be the very next match. This is an absolutely breathless battle in front of a red hot crowd, who live and die with every fall, offering overwhelming support for the babyface and booing the heel. However, in spite of a lot of opposition to the heel turn, Saya has not only made it work, but as the tournament has progressed, has made huge strides in becoming even more of a star.

We might well have just witnessed a match between the two women who will shepherd Stardom into their next era; and that is an unfathomably exciting prospect!

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #6 – 5Star Grand Prix Blue Stars Quarter-Final #1: Hanan def. Syuri w/ Seventeen (13:02)

Having already wrestled a hard-fought match with Suzu Suzuki tonight, Hanan is undoubtedly at something of a disadvantage on the one hand. However, on the other it might be better that she tasted victory already tonight and is brimming with confidence.

She starts well, looking to ground Syuri, but soon finds herself locked in a Rings of Saturn. She gets to the ropes, and avoids a PK, and manages to get Syuri over with an untidy looking Judo Throw. Syuri responds angrily, tossing Hanan into the corner before hitting her Snap Suplex. Again she locks in the Armbar, and again Hanan just manages to get to the ropes, though she then eats a pair of crunching kicks to the spine for good measure.

A Drop Toe Hold allows Hanan to run into the back of Syuri in the ropes, before she takes her out with a Crossbody off the apron. She ploughs into Syuri with Corkscrew European Uppercut, but the former fights free of a Blockbuster Hold and wrenched in a brutal Fujiwara Armbar in the centre of the ring. Hanan glances a foot against the ropes, but this just allows Syuri to transition into a Rings of Saturn. Hanan fights back, getting the upper hand with a Famouser and a Blockbuster Hold that gets a two count. Syuri blocks the Back Drop by elbowing Hanan in the head, before ducking under a Lariat and hitting a German Suplex.

Hanan bounces straight back up though and, in spite of eating a Codebreaker, gets Syuri over into a Back Drop Suplex for a two count. They both get to their knees and begin a forearm exchange, with Hanan surprisingly coming out on top and drilling forearms into the base of Syuri’s neck. She responds as only Syuri can, by throwing three devastating kicks into Hanan’s chest, flooring her all three times. When Hanan then kicks out at two, Syuri pounces on her and locks in a Sleeper Hold before hitting a Draping DDT. Hanan gets free of the Ryuen and is within touching distance of a victory with the Seventeen, only for Syuri to kick out at two.

Out of nowhere, Hanan hits a Back Drop, but can’t connect with the second. Syuri has equal difficulty hitting the Ryuen. Eventually, Hanan runs right into the Buzzsaw Kick and a Spinning Ryuen. However, not only does she kick out, but she manages to manoeuvre Syuri into the Seventeen again and keep her shoulders down to the mat for the three count to book her place in Saturday’s semi-final against Saya Kamitani.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #7 – 5Star Grand Prix Red Stars Quarter-Final #1: Maika def. AZM w/ Wrist-Clutch Michinoku Driver II (11:11)

AZM refuses Maika’s offer of a handshake…until the bell rings. As soon as it does AZM puts forth her hand and gets Shinjuku to chant for a handshake. Predictably this results in AZM getting a whole host of close two counts with a series of rolls ups. The action moves to the crowd, where ASM looks is for a Vertical Suplex on the entrance way, only for Maika to eventually get the upper hand and floor her with a Lariat.

With the action now safely back in the ring, Maika charges in hits a Lariat in the corner and a Shoulder Tackle. Maika waits for AZM to get to her feet in order to demand her engage in a forearm exchange which, to AZM’s credit she does, but she then loses. However, she then slips past Maika and drags her to the outside by her legs before drilling a kick into her Maika’s chest of the apron. She then connects with a Missile Dropkick before locking in a Fujiwara Armbar, manipulating the fingers and trapping Maika’s other arm as well.

Maika makes it to the ropes and AZM drags her into position for a Diving Double Footstomp, only for her to spring to her feet and attempt a Superplex. AZM sees it coming though, and catches Maika with a kick to the side of the head that sends her spilling to the outside. Instead, AZM then connects with the Diving Double Footstomp off of the barricade before connecting with another in the ring. Maika is eventually able to shunt AZM into the corner and then hit the Superplex. AZM rolls through the impact to wild cheers from the crowd, but walks straight into a Powerbomb that leads to a double down.

Both women make it to their feet before the count of 10, before Maika gets a close two count with a Discus Lariat. AZM fights free of the Enka Otoshi however and connects with the Destroyer for a nearfall, only for Maika to then stop a La Mistica attempt and plant her with the Enka Otoshi. Maika sets for the Michinoku Driver II but is almost caught with the Azumi Sushi. Maika kicks out and then plants AZM with consecutive Michinoku Driver IIs, only for AZM to somehow kick out.

Despite a raucous chant of AZM, she hasn’t got anything left in the tank following this, and when Maika plants her with the Wrist Clutch Michinoku Driver II, she can’t kick out. Maika has the victory, and takes the last spot in the 5Star semi-finals where she will face Mayu Iwatani; meaning that one of them will join the elite club of two people who have ever made two 5Star Grand Prix finals.

Semi-Final & Final Block Standings

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom
  • Maika (6-0-0): 12 Points
  • Natsupoi (4-1-1): 9 Points
  • Hazuki (3-2-1): 7 Points
  • Konami (3-3-0): 6 Points
  • Manami (2-3-1): 5 Points
  • Ruaka (1-4-1): 3 Points
  • Yuna Mizumori (0-6-0): 0 Points
  • Mayu Iwatani (5-1-0): 10 Points
  • AZM (3-1-2): 8 Points*
  • Tomoka Inaba (3-1-2): 8 Points
  • Mei Seira (3-1-2): 8 Points
  • Momo Watanabe (2-4-0): 2 Points
  • Saya Iida (2-4-0): 4 Points
  • Tam Nakano (0-6-0): 0 Points
  • Syuri (4-2-0): 8 Points
  • Starlight Kid (3-1-2): 8 Points
  • Saori Anou (3-2-1): 7 Points
  • Anna Jay (3-3-0): 6 Points
  • Xena (2-4-0): 4 Points
  • Koguma (3-3-0): 6 Points
  • Miyu Amasaki (1-4-1): 3 Points
  • Saya Kamitani (4-2-0): 8 Points
  • Hanan (3-2-1): 7 Points*
  • Suzu Suzuki (3-2-1): 7 Points
  • Risa Sera (3-3-0): 6 Points
  • Saki Kashima (3-3-0): 6 Points
  • Thekla (2-4-0): 4 Points
  • Ranna Yagami (2-4-0): 4 Points

*Denotes qualification through play-in or play-off match.

You can check out the Stardom roster win/loss records for 2024 right here;

You can check out a comprehensive run down of the Stardom Championship Histories here;

Upcoming Shows

  • Saturday 31st August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Championship Match, Musashino Forest Sports Plaza, Tokyo (PPV)
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About Rob Goodwin 268 Articles
Hailing from Stoke-on-Trent, Rob fell back in love with the Wrestling Business in 2016 after a decade-long break. Rob is the host of the PodMania Wrestling Podcast, the StardomCast and reviews retro PPVs - with an odd fascination with 1995 WWF/WCW!

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