SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 12 ~Championship Battle~ (Saturday, 31st August 2024)

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom


  • Ami Sohrei will be absent from all cards as she begins the process of recovering from ACL and meniscus tears in her knee. Ranna Yagami will replace her in the 5Star Grand Prix.
  • Kaori Yoneyama – more commonly known as Fukigen Death in Stardom – has also suffered an ACL tear and will be out of action for a year.
  • 18th World of Stardom Champion Natsuko Tora has been champion for 34 days in her 1st reign. A loss tonight would make her the shortest-reigning World of Stardom Champion of all time, and would make her the first Red Belt Champion since Alpha Female in 2013 to lose the belt without a successful title defence.
  • Tam Nakano has the opportunity to become only the third person to hold the World of Stardom Championship more than once, with the only other two people being Io Shirai and Mayu Iwatani.
  • 10th Future of Stardom Champion Rina has been champion for 477 days in her 1st reign. She is tied for the record for most title defences at 10 with her sister Hanan, but has the opportunity to set a brand new record with a victory over her sister Hina.
  • This will be Hina’s second-ever challenge for the Future of Stardom Championship.
  • Either Mayu Iwatani or Maika have the opportunity to join Utami Hayashishita and Yoko Bito as the only people to reach more than one 5Star Grand Prix final.
  • Hanan has the opportunity to become the youngest-ever winner of the 5Star Grand Prix at 20 years old, beating out previous youngest Toni Storm who won the 2017 tournament aged 22.
  • Hanan can also become just the second person to win the Cinderella Tournament and 5Star Grand Prix in the same year; a feat previously only achieved again by Toni Storm in 2017.

Quick Results

  • Singles Match: Waka Tsukiyama def. Rian w/ Moonlight Dream (8:14)
  • Tag Team Match: Fukuoka Double Crazy (Hazuki & Koguma) def. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurura) w/ Diving Body Splash (10:38)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Final: Maika def. Mayu Iwatani w/ Wrist-Clutch Michinoku Driver II (11:44)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Final: Saya Kamitani def. Hanan w/ Frankensteiner (10:22)
  • Singles Match: Anna Jay def. Momo Kohgo w/ Queen Slayer (7:09)
  • Singles Match: Xena def. Saya Iida w/ Thunderstruck (8:57)
  • 10-Woman Tag Team Match: NEO-GENESIS (Starlight Kid, AZM, Suzu Suzuki, Mei Seira & Miyu Amasaki) def. God’s Eye (Syuri, Saki Kashima, Lady C & Ranna Yagami) & Risa Sera w/ Moonsault (13:11)
  • 6-Woman Tag Team Match: Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi, Saori Anou & Yuna Mizumori) def. H.A.T.E (Thekla, Konami & Ruaka) w/ Supergirl (8:40)
  • Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (c) def. Hina w/ Hydrangea (14:28)
  • World of Stardom Championship Match: Tam Nakano (c) def. Natsuko Tora w/ Twilight Dream (27:12)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Final: Maika def. Saya Kamitani w/ Wrist-Clutch Michinoku Driver II (27:23)
Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #1 – Waka Tsukiyama def. Rian w/ Moonlight Dream (8:14)

These two have faced each other a lot over the course of this tour, so it is completely unsurprising that it is a little bit more cagey an opening between the pair than what we are used to.

Of course, it’s not long before Waka breaks out the Hip Attacks before driving a knee into the top of Rian’s back and wrenching back on both her arms. Getting to the ropes, Rian tries to fight back with a host of forearms, but Waka is able to floor her with just one before avoiding a Dropkick and hitting one of her own. She follows this with a Bodyslam for a two count, but Rian ducks under a Lariat soon after and finally makes contact with a Dropkick. She gets whipped into the corner, but is able to vault into the air and connect with her Flying Headscissors before garnering a two count with a Bodyslam of her own.

A Double Footstomp leads to three one count pinfalls, before Waka is able to block an attempted Fisherman’s Suplex, running into her on the ropes and hitting her with a pair of Hip Attacks. Waka lands a volley of forearms, but is caught with a Crossbody as she looks to run the ropes. This leads to a Fisherman’s Suplex for a two count, but Waka turns a second one into a Bodyslam. Rian gets another close two count with her rollover pinning attempt, but Waka flattens her with a Dropkick and then a Gokuraku Don. Rian kicks out, but Tsukiyama almost immediately follows up with the Moonlight Dream for the victory.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #2 – Fukuoka Double Crazy (Hazuki & Koguma) def. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura & Sayaka Kurura) w/ Diving Body Splash (10:38)

Koguma immediately engages in a Kuma dance with Kurura, who seems absolutely over the moon about doing it, before both women gleefully tag out to their respective partners. Hazuki is incredibly over with the Musashino crowd and seems to be pumped beyond belief as she slams into Sakura with her Facewash Kicks.

The destruction of Aya Sakura continues, with Bodyslams from both Koguma and Hazuki. That doesn’t stop the rookie fighting back valiantly with a flurry of forearms before managing to floor Hazuki with a stiff kicks to the chest. She tags in Kurura, who hits a Swinging Neckbreaker before Cosmic Angels are able to then Snapmare both members of FWC from the top ropes back to the canvas.

Aya looks for an Armbar on Koguma, but she’s able to stop the extension and get a foot on the ropes before hitting a Koguma Cutter for a two count. She then wraps Aya in a Rear-Naked Choke, and it takes intervention from Kurura to break the hold. Cosmic Angels are able to halt the attempted Assisted Koguma Cutter and Sakura gets a two count over the High-Speed Genius before being hit with a DDT.

However, Cosmic Angels continue their own spirited look for the win, and it’s only timely intervention from Hazuki that stops a three count. The Wildheart then hits a Double Codebreaker before FWC get a two count with their Assisted Koguma Cutter. With Hazuki dealing with Kurura on the outside, Koguma ascends to the top rope and hits her Diving Body Splash for the three count.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #3 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Red Stars Final: Maika def. Mayu Iwatani w/ Wrist-Clutch Michinoku Driver II (11:44)

Before jumping to the first of our 5Star Grand Prix semi-finals comes the announcement of the 14th Goddesses of Stardom Tag League, which will run from the 26th October and end on the 8th December, as well confirmation that the Ryogoku show on 29th December will retain the Dream Queendom branding.

It’s the Red Stars block final that is the first of our two semi-finals, with Mayu Iwatani and Maika facing off in a highly-anticipated first time ever singles match. Maika has gone 7-0 in this tournament thus far, whilst Mayu has lost just one match in her run to the semi-finals, and both women have the opportunity to join an elite club of just two others to make it to two 5Star Grand Prix finals!

After a false start, we get some trading of control of the arm with Maika then sending Mayu to the mat with a Shoulder Tackle. Mayu responds with an Arm Drag and a Dropkick before Snapmaring Maika into the centre of the ring and delivering a kick to the spine. As Maika charges into the corner, Mayu looks for her Evasion Dropkick, only for Maika to catch it and hit her with a Powerslam. She continues with some kicks to the face and a Shoulder Tackle before Mayu plants her with a Flying Headscissors after connecting with the Slingblade.

Mayu gets a two count with a Bridging German Suplex after Superkicking Maika in the back of the head, but the latter is able to take Iwatani from the top rope and to the apron with a thumping forearm. However, Mayu is able to block an attempted Vertical Suplex, which allows her to connect with Dragon Suplex on the apron. She follows this up with a Suicide Dive and the Frogsplash. Maika manages to get to the rope to halt a Two-Step Dragon Suplex, and floors Mayu with a Lariat followed by a Sazanka.

It’s Maika’s turn to go to the top rope, but she is caught with a Mayu Superplex. However, she gets her revenge immediately by doing the exact same to the Icon of Stardom, maintaining control in order to hit her three consecutive Vertical Suplexes. She connects with the Enka Otoshi for a two count, but Mayu is seemingly able to halt the momentum with a German Suplex and a Superkick. But as she runs the ropes, she runs straight into the Michinoku Driver II. Maika is too exhausted for the cover however, and Mayu is able to capitalise with a series of kicks before missing the Moonsault.

Maika then wipes her out with a Lariat before Mayu then runs into two back-to-back Michinoku Drivers. Just as AZM did in the quarter-finals however, Mayu manages to kick out at the count of two. It’s irrelevant though, with Maika immediately scooping her into the Wrist-Clutch Michinoku Driver for the victory, becoming only the second person in Stardom history behind Yoko Bito to reach back-to-back Stardom finals. With Mayu’s elimination, it also means that we are guaranteed another first-time winner of the tournament!

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #4 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars Final: Saya Kamitani def. Hanan w/ Frankensteiner (10:22)

Hanan has the opportunity to become the youngest-ever 5Star Grand Prix winner tonight, but standing in the way is the Phenex Queen Saya Kamitani. Immediately the pair engage in a series of forearms and then a series of reversals before Kamitani hits a Dropkick. She drives her boot repeatedly into Hanan’s face, as though baiting Hanan to bring more, which she does try to do, but Saya easily cuts her off on the apron before blowing a kiss to the crowd. This is followed by a Diving Crossbody off the apron, before looking to roll Hanan back into the ring and hit a Springboard Dropkick. This doesn’t work however, with Hanan cutting her off and hitting a Guillotine Leg Drop off of the apron to the outside.

The action back on the inside, Hanan hits a Corkscrew Uppercut before a lightning-quick series of kick reversals leads to Saya looking for the Kamigoye. Hanan halts this, but eats a Pump Kick, only to bounce straight back up into a Famouser, leading to a double down. Hanan looks for Back Drop, but Saya is able to clamp down with a Side Headlock to stop it. Hanan hits a Pop-Up Uppercut, but Kamitani then hits the Wheel Kick and the Springboard Crossbody for a two count. She fails with the Northern Lights Suplex, but connects with the Backslide into the Pump Kick. Hanan is pumped though, and manages to catch Kamitani with a surprise Blockbuster Hold.

Saya kicks out and slams into Hanan with a Missile Dropkick, finally connecting with her Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Saya goes to the top rope, but Hanan hauls her back into the ring with an Avalanche Back Suplex. Hanan rolls Saya up with the Seventeen and then hits another Back Drop Suplex, only to pull Saya up at the last second in order to attempt a second. This is fatal error however, as Saya is able to reverse it into a Press before surprising the Young Lioness with the Frankensteiner for the victory!

I have been forced to eat crow somewhat with Saya’s heel turn, and this is the latest in a series of outstanding matches she’s put together at the tail end of this tournament, playing her roll perfectly against the plucky, babyface upstart. It’s another fantastic showing for Hanan who has been elevated hugely by her progress in this tournament, but with the story surrounding Maika and Saya, it’s the final that makes the most sense, and a final that I am certainly very, very excited for!

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #5 – Anna Jay def. Momo Kohgo w/ Queen Slayer (7:09)

It’s Anna who starts the strongest, and even baits Momo into a handshake before hoisting her into a Suplex. Momo vaults over her in the corner though, landing an Armdrag and a Dropkick before going to work on Anna’s arm.

Another Dropkick sends Anna into the ropes, but Momo misses the Tiger Feint Kick and gets hit with a Neckbreaker. Anna follows this up with a Northern Lights Suplex, but she’s taken out with a Dropkick and a Momo Crossbody. With Jay staggered in the corner, Momo snaps her arm off the top rope and hits a Springboard Dropkick followed by a successful Tiger Feint Kick. She locks in the Armbar, but Anna gets free and flings her into the corner.

Momo continues as the aggressor however, looking for the Nectar Peach, but eating a Backstabber for her trouble. They trade Superkicks and Dangerous Jay Kicks before Anna floors Momo with a Back Drop Suplex and locks in the Queenslayer, locking in the Bodyscissors and therefore forcing Momo to tap.

With this almost certainly being Anna’s last match in Stardom, it’s hard to look back at her tour and call it anything but a success. Great block matches against Xena and Starlight Kid and dominant victories against Miyu Amasaki and Koguma have been capped off with a victory in her send-off here, and I’m sure I’m not the only one to hope that she comes back soon!

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #6 – Xena def. Saya Iida w/ Thunderstruck (8:57)

It’s the battle of the booming chops in our next singles match, with both these women having used these to great effect during their respective tournaments.

After an initial stalemate in the lock up, which sees both women take brief control in the ropes, we get a frantically fast series of reversals. Saya eventually wins out with a Shoulder Tackle and a Back Elbow before locking in a Dragon Sleeper. Xena gets to the ropes though and is then able to stop Saya on the top rope briefly with a headbutt, only for Saya to transition this into a Snap Suplex and then make her way to the top rope again for her Diving Shoulder Tackle.

It’s not long before Xena is able to hoist Saya into her Spinning Side Slam, but after a failed Northern Lights Suplex apiece, the chops begin in earnest! Saya actually comes out on top, landing a Double-Handed Chop to the back and hitting a Northern-Lights Suplex. However, Xena then catches a Saya kick and transitions it beautifully into a T-Bone Suplex. With both women making it to their knees, another chop exchange begins with Xena the first to her feet before she hurls Saya across the ring with a Double Underhook Suplex.

Saya smashes into Xena with a Lariat, but can’t quite get her into position for the Muscle Buster. Instead, Xena Lariats her in the back of the head and hits her Pop-Up German Suplex. Saya misses with Iidabashi, with Xena then failing with the Thunderstruck. However, she is just moments later able to negotiate Saya into a successful Thunderstruck for the win.

Following this, Xena takes to the microphone and declares herself the brand new challenger to Mei Seira’s High-Speed Championship.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #7 – NEO-GENESIS (Starlight Kid, AZM, Suzu Suzuki, Mei Seira & Miyu Amasaki) def. God’s Eye (Syuri, Saki Kashima, Lady C & Ranna Yagami) & Risa Sera w/ Moonsault (13:11)

Speaking of Mei Seira, she’s in ten-woman tag team action next alongside the rest of NEOGENESIS against the team of God’s Eye and Risa Sera. Watching Saki Kashima drag a very obviously unsure Risa Sera into the God’s Eye line-up, sucking up to her massively whilst very obviously ignoring Lady C is why I love the dynamic Kashima brings to God’s Eye!

It’s the former-Queen’s Quest allies of Miyu Amasaki and a fresh-geared Lady C start things up, with Lady C and Risa Sera then both hitting Giant Swings to Miyu and Starlight Kid. God’s Eye then utilise quick tags to isolate Amasaki, taking it in turns picking her apart until she finally hits a DDT onto Syuri and tags in Suzu. Her and Mei then use their incredible tag team chemistry to dispose of Ranna Yagami and continue to put the boots to Syuri. This leads to a tasty exchange of forearms between Syuri and Suzu, only stopping when Syuri ducks a Lariat and locks in an Armbar.

She hits the Northern Lights Suplex and a kick to the spine before tagging in Saki who is desperate for the pinfall. However, when Suzu kicks out, Saki immediately looks for the tag out, only to find that NEOGENESIS have taken all her partners from the apron, leading to AZM almost rolling her up for the win. She and Saki trade each other’s roll-up finishes until Ranna and Starlight Kid are tagged in, with Kid catching a Ranna kick and instantly beginning to target the leg. NEOGENESIS then hit their stereo Dropkicks to Yagami, but God’s Eye then team up on Starlight Kid in response.

Ranna rallies but misses the Beat Kick. God’s Eye attempt to help, but are all wiped out with a Diving Crossbody to the outside by Mei Seira. Miyu hits a Jumping DDT, and this gives Starlight Kid the opportunity she needs to hit the Moonsault for the victory.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #8 – Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi, Saori Anou & Yuna Mizumori) def. H.A.T.E (Thekla, Konami & Ruaka) w/ Supergirl (8:40)

It’s Natsupoi and Thekla who open proceedings, and it’s telling that there is no jumping the bell. However, the moment that Natsupoi refuses a handshake, Thekla sends Konami and Ruaka to attack her as she walks away.

Poi is able to tag in Saori Anou, but Ruaka cuts her off with a Shoulder Tackle. However, Anou is able to lock Thekla legs in an Inverted Figure Four before hitting a Fisherman’s Suplex on Ruaka. Thekla hits the Spear and tags in Konami, who wastes little time in immediately making for Saori’s arm, leading to Konami and Thekla hitting stereo Draping Armbars onto Poi and Saori. Once Saori gets the tag to Yuna, she is predictably a house of fire, charging into Konami until she finds herself overwhelmed by the numbers game, and then eventually overpowered by Ruaka.

Locked in a Crossface, Yuna does get a foot on the ropes, but is caught with a Fisherman’s Suplex. Poi breaks up the resultant pin, and Yuna and Ruaka begin bouncing off one another with Shoulder Tackles. After Cosmic Angels manage to gain a foothold in the match, H.A.T.E then immediately overwhelm them with the numbers game. However, as Ruaka catches her Choke Bomb – the same move that put Yuna away in their 5Star match – she kicks free and throws herself into a Supergirl Pin for the victory, and a smidgeon of redemption!

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #9 – Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (c) def. Hina w/ Hydrangea (14:28)

10 successful title defences, 477 days. It’s been quite the reign for Rina, and she has the chance to finally inch ahead of Hanan at the top of the successful championship defences board for the Future strap. However, in her sister Hina, she faces arguably her biggest challenge. With a singles record of 5-5-2, it’s been impossible to separate the pair since their very first singles together match in 2018. This is Hina’s second title challenge, losing her first challenge coincidentally to her other sister Hanan back in April of 2022.

There’s no love lost to start, both women going blow-for-blow with forearms until Rina is able to drag Hina to the mat by her hair. She then goes for a Bodyslam, only to have it reversed and find herself hit with two consecutive ones by Hina. It’s not long before the champion is back in control though, hitting a Pump kick in the ropes and a Shotgun Dropkick. She sends Hina into the corner before Hairmaring her across the ring and driving her knee into her face in the ropes. She follows this by wrenching on her arms until Hina is able to place a foot on the ropes. 

It’s only when Rina misses a Big Boot that the challenger is able to gain a foothold in the match with a Dropkick. She slams her to the mat and locks in a High-Angled Boston Crab, only breaking the hold when Rina is able to drag herself to the ropes. Rina blocks the Pumphandle Urunage before the pair trade Judo Throws, Rina finally forcing her sister to the mat with a Big Boot, only to eat a Running Neckbreaker seconds later. She responds with the Northern Lights Suplex but as she sets for another, Hina hoists her into a Vertical Suplex with the pair staying down on the mat.

It’s here that we get our first shot of Hanan, the third and eldest of the sisters, watching on pensively at ringside. Back in-ring and Rina hits another Northern Lights Suplex, but misses the ensuing Diving Double Knees, rolling through before Hina plants her with a Ripcord Judo Toss. She’s then successful in powering Rina into the Pumphandle Urunage, but the champion kicks out before three and then locks in the Hydrangea. Hina gets to the ropes, but Rina uses the entirety of the referee’s five count before breaking the hold, following up with the Diving Double Knees for a nearfall. The challenger gets free of the Pink Devil before garnering back-to-back nearfalls with the Gedo Clutch, but Rina ducks under the Lariat and then hits the Pink Devil for a nearfall of her own. With a point to the sky, Rina then looks to attempt the Package Piledriver, the final part of the late Hana Kimura’s Tiger Lily, but Hina manages to get free just in time, hitting another Pumphandle Urunage. She opts against the pin though, choosing instead to hit an elbow in the corner followed by her Yokozuka Cutter. 

Somehow, with the time-limit now rapidly approaching, Rina manages to kick out before achieving yet another close nearfall with the Jakknife. This doesn’t stop Hina however, who almost instantly snaps to her feet to hit her Modified Jackhammer. Despite this move bringing her victories over her sister throughout the 5Star Grand Prix tour, Rina kicks out and then manages to kick free of Hina’s second attempt. This seemingly deflates the challenger entirely, and the champion is able to properly lock in the Hydrangea in the middle of the ring, snatching a hold of Hina’s right leg and blocking off her arms with her own legs. Screaming in agony and with nowhere to go, Hina verbally submits with less than 30 seconds left of the match. 

It’s perhaps the best match of Rina’s championship run, and I would argue the best singles match in either woman’s career. The fact that they played off their knowledge of one another so well, and tell a compelling story, completely belying their young age is an absolute credit to both. Hina is certainly destined for the belt at some point, and proved more than ever here that you would be foolish to count her out. However, tonight is all about the Pink Devil Rina, who deservedly goes clear of Hanan with the most successful Future of Stardom Championship defences.

With all in her path lying in ruin, it will be very interesting to see who the next is to challenge this seemingly insurmountable champion!

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #10 – World of Stardom Championship Match: Tam Nakano def. Natsuko Tora (c) w/ Twilight Dream (27:12)

Having gone winless throughout the 5Star Grand Prix, and having had her knee mercilessly targeted for a month, Tam has the chance for redemption here. She enters the arena with a new staff, a new robe and a determined smile on her face – she has the chance to doom the leader of H.A.T.E to become the first defenceless Red Belt champion since Alpha Female in 2013!

Immediately Tam begins targeting the leg of Tora with some kicks, but quickly finds herself ground down on the mat with a Side Headlock. Tora lowbridges and sends Tam to the outside where the champion lands the first blow to Tam’s now infamously-injured leg. She follows this up by slamming her onto the matting and launching her into the chairs on two separate sides of the arena. As Tora rolls her back into the ring, Tam rolls right through to the other side in an attempt to gain some distance, and is able to charge down the ramp and hit a Violet Shooting. She then goes for a second, but Tora slams into her with a Lariat.

Still on the ramp, Tora slings her down the ramp by her hair and then spits water in her face. The action eventually moves back into the ring, with Tora inevitably moving to a more focused attack on the knee before flooring her with a forearm. She goes for the pin under the proviso that a kick out will injure Tam’s knee even further, but Tora gets caught in the corner and Tam kicks her leg, sending her rolling to the outside. She then wipes out the champion with a Diving Crossbody. Tam takes the action back into the ring and makes for Tora’s leg, hitting a pair of Dragon Screw Leg Whips before locking in a Figure Four Leg Lock.

Tora gets to the ropes, but Tam utilises the entire five count before releasing the hold. She goes for the Bicycle Knee strike in the ropes, but the champion moves and Chop Blocks her before hitting a Snap Suplex and a Senton. She misses the Diving Splash, and Tam takes the knee out with a Violet Shooting. We move to the apron following a Bicycle Knee Strike and the pair begin throwing their entire body weight into a series of forearms. It’s the champion that comes out on top and hits a suplex on the apron, but Tam recovers to hit a Dragon Screw Leg Whip off the apron to the floor. Tora is eventually able to haul herself back into the ring to beat the twenty count, and Tam greets her with a headbutt. However, she gets far too over-zealous considering the state of her knee, and gets caught in a leg submission as a result.

Smelling blood, Tora flies into her with two Lariats before locking in the Grand Death Lock. Despite insistence from the referee that she give up, Tam flat-out refuses, spending an inordinate amount of time in the hold before finally getting to the ropes as the time keeper announces that twenty minutes have elapsed. Tora flattens her in the corner with a Cannonball and goes to the top to hit the Swanton Bomb, but Tam rolls out of the way and plants a Superkick into Tora’s face. She gets up and screams but immediately runs into a Lariat. Somehow, she’s able to rally and hoist Tora into a Tiger Suplex for a two count before landing a flurry of kicks.

Barely able to stand at this point, Tam hits the Twilight Dream but the referee is dragged out by H.A.T.E at ringside. With the referee out of commission, Tora smashes Tam over the head with the plastic box. Following a brawl at ringside that somehow splits Tam’s chin open, and prompts Saori Anou to charge from her position on commentary to help Cosmic Angels even the odds, Tam kicks out of the Swanton Bomb. Thekla catches her at ringside, only for Anou to appear from nowhere and take her out with a kick.

From there, Cosmic Angels pile into the ring to help, forcing Konami to accidentally spray Tora in the face and Ruaka to floor her with a Lariat. As Natsupoi takes H.A.T.E out at ringside with a Diving Crossbody, Tam manages to drag Tora into a Twilight Dream for the victory, becoming only the third person ever to hold the Red Belt more than once!

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #11 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Final: Maika def. Saya Kamitani w/ Wrist-Clutch Michinoku Driver II (27:23)

There is an air of real anticipation as the pair stare at each other across the ring. It’s Saya’s fault that Maika is no longer the Red Belt champion, and this is their first real exchange since that moment in Sapporo.

Despite Saya ducking under a Maika attempted lock-up, it’s the latter who gets the initial ground control. However, it’s not long before Saya is driving Maika to frustration by repeatedly rolling from the ring rather than engaging. The moment she eventually does get into the ring, Maika charges and grabs her immediately, though she’s then hit with a Dropkick with Saya then kicking her outside and flinging her twice into the front row of chairs.

As Saya looks to hurl Maika into the ring post, the latter initially avoids it, but then makes the mistake of trying to Lariat Saya and instead makes contact with the ring post. Having dragged a chair into the ring to sit on while she waits, Saya Drop Toe Holds Maika onto the chair and then Dropkicks her, before driving her boot into Maika’s face. She locks in a Chin Lock and then attempts a one-footed pin after taunting her in the ropes. Maika finally fires up and begins laying forearms into Saya, but the latter simply slaps her across the face. The action moves to the corner, and Saya is initially able to choke Maika with her legs.

Finally, Maika manages to catch Kamitani with a Spinning Powerslam and then locks in a Grounded Facelock. With Saya dazed, Maika hits her with a Sliding Lariat. Saya is able to drag the referee into the way of Maika though to stunt her momentum, but that doesn’t stop Maika sending Saya tumbling to the outside with a Back Body Drop. She then follows this with a Jumping Lariat from the apron before dragging Saya up the ramp, with the latter coming dangerously close to being suplexed from the ramp to the floor. Saya gets free though and is able to kick Maika to the floor, following this by diving from the stage into Maika with a Crossbody – but not before flexing nervously with the wrist she injured performing the same manoeuvre on the opening night of last year’s tournament.

Luckily, there is no such injury here, and both women are just able to beat the referee’s count of twenty. On their knees at this point, forearms begin before the pace ramps up significantly with a series of reversals. Saya hits the Wheel Kick, but Maika responds with a Lariat. Maintaining wrist control, Maika slams into Kamitani with another three Lariats, all while screaming her name. Saya ducks a fourth and its now her turn to grab wrist control and lay in a series of three Pump Licks to the head.

Maika attempts to stop Saya running the ropes by grabbing her arm, but this seems to enrage Kamitani, who explodes at her with an angry Dropkick followed by a Missile Dropkick. She goes to the top rope, but Maika is quick to join her and hits the Superplex. Saya then stops Maika on the top rope with a pair Northern Lights Suplexes, only for Maika to stop the third and hoist Saya into her own trio of suplexes. She hits Kamitani with the Enka Otoshi, but as she tries to get Saya up into the Powerbomb, Saya blocks it with a Frankensteiner before exploding into a host of kicks and getting a nearfall with her Corkscrew Kick to the back.

Signalling for the end of the match, Saya hits the Star Crusher, but pulls the head up at the last second. Instead, Saya goes to the top rope as though looking for the Phoenix Splash, but Maika stops her. It looks very much like Saya is primed to hit the Super Frankensteiner, but out of nowhere, Maika hauls her into an Avalanche Michinoku Driver II. Maika takes too long making the cover though, and it allows Saya to both kick out and then hit the Star Crusher, only for Maika to kick out. Looking absolutely demented and screaming like a banshee, Saya comes off the ropes but gets levelled with a pair of Lariats and a Michinoku Driver II, somehow managing to thrust her shoulder into the air. It’s the final bit of resilience for Kamitani though, who has no response as Maika powers her into the Wrist-Clutch Michinoku Driver II for the victory.

The pain and frustration is clear in the face of Kamitani as she bites back tears from the canvas, watching Maika adorned in the cape and crown and holding the trophy aloft. The enormity seems to hit Maika as President Taro Okada bows to her, and she becomes very noticeably overwhelmed with emotion.

Following this, Maika takes to the microphone and thanks Kamitani for pushing her. Saya is understandably having none of this, and instead tells Maika that she will drag her to hell, refusing to shake her outstretched hand. With Saya storming from the ring, and after Waka Tsukiyama helps her to adjust and secure the cape and crown, Maika requests the prescence of the new World of Stardom Champion Tam Nakano. Following a cordial exchange of thanks, Maika puts forth her challenge, not for Dream Queendom as with the previous three winners of the 5Star, but for Namba Grand Fight in EDION Arena Osaka on the 14th September. Tam accepts, and the pair shake hands to make the match official, the first for the upcoming PPV.

You can check out the Stardom roster win/loss records for 2024 right here;

You can check out a comprehensive run down of the Stardom Championship Histories here;

Upcoming Shows

  • Sunday 8th September – Stardom in Korakuen 2024 Sep., Korakuen Hall, Tokyo
  • Friday 13th September – New Blood 14, Chunichi Hall, Aichi
  • Saturday 14th September – Stardom Namba Grand Fight 2024, EDION Arena Osaka, Osaka (PPV)
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About Rob Goodwin 268 Articles
Hailing from Stoke-on-Trent, Rob fell back in love with the Wrestling Business in 2016 after a decade-long break. Rob is the host of the PodMania Wrestling Podcast, the StardomCast and reviews retro PPVs - with an odd fascination with 1995 WWF/WCW!

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