SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 7 (Tuesday, 20th August 2024)

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom


  • Ami Sohrei will be absent from all cards as she begins the process of recovering from ACL and meniscus tears in her knee. Ranna Yagami will replace her in the 5Star Grand Prix.
  • Kaori Yoneyama – more commonly known as Fukigen Death in Stardom – has also suffered an ACL tear and will be out of action for a year.

Current Block Standings (Before 20th August 2024)

Quick Results

  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Anna Jay (4) def Miyu Amasaki (2) w/ Queenslayer (8:02)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Risa Sera (6) def. Ranna Yagami (2) w/ Air Raid Crash (8:46)
  • 5Star Grand Prix Blue Stars A Match: Koguma (4) def. Syuri (4) w/ Roll-Up (10:33)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Saki Kashima (4) def. Saya Kamitani (6) w/ Kishikaisei (6:45)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Suzu Suzuki (5) def. Thekla (2) w/ Tequila Shot (11:09)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Saori Anou (7) def. Xena (4) w/ Pottering (12:31)
Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #1 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Anna Jay (4) def Miyu Amasaki (2) w/ Queenslayer (8:02)

Three consecutive losses since her opening night victory over Saori Anou mean that Anna Jay can only make it to six points – but with losses to Starlight Kid, Syuri and Xena – it’s all but impossible for her to qualify, especially if either of the latter win tonight. A loss would certainly eliminate Miyu tonight, with her opening night victory over Xena being followed by losses to Koguma and Saori Anou. 

Anna starts things off by showcasing her power, throwing Miyu off during one lock-up before face-planting her during another. A third sees Miyu kick Anna in the midriff, but the latter is still able to power her into the corner – patting her on the head mockingly for good measure. As Miyu comes out of the corner, they both rain down forearms, onto each other before Amasaki plants her with a DDT. 

Amasaki hits an elbow in the corner, with Anna responding with a kick and then by bouncing her head off the top turnbuckles of three corners of the ring. Miyu comes back firing though, kicking out Anna’s leg from under her and hitting another DDT followed by a Dropkick. She attempts a submission, but with Anna far too close to the ropes, it’s easy for The Queenslayer to fight free. Miyu goes for a Springboard from the apron, but Anna catches her in midair with a forearm before dragging her back into the ring in a Sleeper Hold. 

Anna hits the Dangerous Jay Kick, but Miyu wriggles loose from the attempted Gory Bomb in order to hit her Jumping DDT. Another Dangerous Jay Kick gets Anna free of a Hammerlock DDT with Miyu fighting frantically to the ropes to get out of the ensuing submission. Both women halt the other coming off the ropes then, with Miyu cleverly using Anna’s momentum to hit the Tornado DDT before planting her with the Hammerlock variation.

She can’t hit the Tensai though, with Anna slipping out and hitting the Gory Bomb for a nearfall. From there, Anna wraps Miyu into the Queenslayer, grounding the Supernova and wrapping her legs around Miyu for additional purchase. Anna gets her second win of the tournament in decisive fashion, with Amasaki to become the first name from tonight to be eliminated from this year’s tournament. 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #2 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Risa Sera (6) def. Ranna Yagami (2) w/ Air Raid Crash (8:46)

We really are at the business end of the tournament now, with victories at perhaps their most important. A win for Risa Sera puts her right in the mix for a quarter-final place, while Ranna Yagami needs to win all of her remaining matches and hope for a lot of help from other results to even think about qualification.

Ranna seems to understand that importance, immediately charging Risa and hitting a Dropkick and massive kick to the head, Risa kicking out and then bailing to the outside. It appears she’s playing possum though, as she immediately grabs Ranna by the hair when the rookie goes to meet her on the outside and launches her into two sets of chairs before rolling her back into the ring.

Despite Yagami struggling furiously, Risa is able to navigate her into a Boston Crab and then the Pendulum. Looking to torture her further, Sera grinds a boot into the small of Ranna’s back before hitting her Double Knees on it aswell. Ranna attempts to fight back with a brief volley of forearms, only for Risa to send her back to the canvas with a strike of her own. The Beat Striker won’t stay down however, and creates some distance with a Dropkick before Snapmaring her opponent and cracking a kick off her spine.

Ranna locks in a Cross Armbreaker, but Sera is able to get to the ropes before turning the tide and hitting her Running Knees in the corner. She misses the Reverse Double Knees however, and this allows Ranna to lay some lusty kicks to her chest. She’s a little too over enthusiastic though, and Sera is able to transition it into a Boston Crab. A Swinging Air Raid Crash is followed by the Reverse Double Knees, but Ranna is able to kick out at two. She’s also able to wriggle free of an Air Raid Crash in order to attempt a roll-up, but Sera simply sits into it for a two count of her own.

Ranna misses the Beat Strike and then kicks out of the Hurricane Driver, but apparently expends her last bit of energy in doing so. It takes just one more Air Raid Crash to put Ranna down for the three count, and to put her out of the tournament. Risa however moves to six points and, with a tie-breaker over Suzu Suzuki, sits in a very strong position with just one match remaining for her.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #3 – 5Star Grand Prix Blue Stars A Match: Koguma (4) def. Syuri (4) w/ Roll-Up (10:33)

These two have met once before in singles competition, and it’s Koguma that actually holds the advantage – she will need to win again here to keep her tournament hopes alive. 

Koguma starts the match by avoiding Syuri and hitting her Kuma pose, which incenses the latter enough that she misses with a rash strike. Koguma is able to hit a Dropkick and then force Syuri into a Kuma pose as a result. There’s something quite terrifying about an angry Syuri dragging Koguma along on her back as she crawls towards the ropes to break the hold, so much so in fact that you actually begin fearing somewhat for her safety! Koguma doesn’t see the danger however and mounts Syuri again to perform the taunt, only for her to flip Koguma off her back and plant a stiff kick into her spine as a warning! 

Apparently embarrassed by the forced Kuma pose, Syuri begins to methodically dissect Koguma, landing another two kicks into her back before dragging her back from escaping the ring to try a glut of pin attempts. When they don’t work, she snatches Koguma into an Armbar, with the High-Speed Genius able to get to the ropes. She may have the hold released, but it brings no reprieve for Koguma, who is subjected to a whole host of kicks before finally getting in some offence of her own in the shape of a Koguma Cutter. 

Buoyed by this, Koguma swings an arm at Syuri, only to have it wrapped in another Armbar. Koguma gets free by stacking Syuri on her shoulders for a nearfall, but then eats a Shotgun Dropkick into the corner for her troubles. They both meet on the top rope, with Koguma stunning Syuri by bouncing her headfirst off the top rope to the outside. However, as Koguma comes off the apron, Syuri kicks her hard in the midriff from out of midair. 

Back in the ring and Syuri floors Koguma with a kick to the chest before planting another into her back for good measure. When this only gets her a two count, Syuri again targets the arm – this time with a Fujiwara Armbar. Syuri makes for the top rope, but Koguma fires up to the delight of the Osaka crowd and launches into top rope Koguma Cutter. A Kuma Roll gets Koguma a two count, with Suuri then flinging her across the ring with a Release German Suplex. Koguma returns the favour, but is then flattened by a Buzzsaw Kick followed by a Jumping Knee Strike, though she is able to kick out of a Spinning Ryeun. Syuri hoists up Koguma into another Ryuen and connects with it, but Koguma rolls her up on impact and keeps her down for the three count for her second tournament victory. 

Amazingly, this makes Koguma 2-0 against Syuri, and jumps her above her in the block standings by way of a tiebreaker. 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #4 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Saki Kashima (4) def. Saya Kamitani (6) w/ Kishikaisei (6:45)

The Phenex Queen is the only unbeaten member of Blue Stars B, and sits atop the block on 6 points. But Saki has made it publicly known that she will never stop fighting against members of H.A.T.E. She sits at 1-4 with it taking a miracle for her to qualify for the quarter-finals given her tie-breaker losses to Risa Sera and Suzu Suzuki.

Noticeably, Saki has no intention of messing about during the match due to her history with all members of Oedo Tai/H.A.T.E, coming out with no advertising board, and chases Saya to the outside. Unfortunately, this allows Saya to run her into the ring post and then set up a chair in the centre of the ring, sitting mockingly waiting for her. Saki charges in, but is hit with a Drop Toe Hold onto the chair before Saya locks in a Chinlock.

Kamitani continues to mock Saki, wrapping in the ropes and kicking her, posing for the audience at every opportunity. Saya pins her with one foot, but Saki kicks out before one and looks to drill some forearms into the Phenex Queen from her knees. However, when Saya runs her into the corner, Saki is able to get a nearfall with roll-up before taking her down with a Headscissors. She lays in a burst of strikes before flooring Saya with a Superkick as she attempts to build a head of steam coming off the ropes.

As Saki sends Saya into the ropes, the latter hits the Wheel Kick and her Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Saki gets free of a Star Crusher attempt, but falls deadweight to the canvas, much to the delight of Saya. However, as she hauls Kashima to her feet, Saki springs to life and rolls Saya up with the Kishikaisei for the victory – her second of the tournament, and Saya’s first loss!

Post-match Saki reiterates that she will never run away from members of H.A.T.E, before ensuring to get one quick advert for eFist of the Northstar 10 in and making her way to the back.

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #5 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Suzu Suzuki (5) def. Thekla (2) w/ Tequila Shot (11:09)

The Idol Killer has been unsuccessful in both of her previous singles matches against the Crimson Crazy Girl Suzu Suzuki, but a victory here would see her leapfrog her opponent in the Blue Stars B standings. It wouldn’t eliminate Suzu tonight, but with a tie-breaker loss against Risa Sera, it could be very damaging.

Theres no handshake and the pair immediately begin throwing forearms at each other. As Suzuki charges, Thekla lowbridges though and sends her to the outside. She takes a fan’s sign and begins beating Suzuki with it, before hitting a Snap Suplex to the floor and launching her into the front row of chairs. The action moves back into the ring, and Thekla is in complete control, wrenching in a Crossface that she then transitions into a Rings of Saturn variation, pulling at Suzu’s mouth in the process.

This riles up Suzu, who lands some stiff slaps and a kick to the spine before hitting the Drive-By and introducing Thekla to the front row of chairs. She follows this up with a Bodyslam on the floor, standing domineeringly over Thekla and driving boots into her before rolling her back into the ring. Having got Thekla in the corner, Suzu connects with some forearms and then follows up with a Running Elbow in the opposite corner. Thekla regains a foothold in the match a with a thumping forearm and Pump Kick on the apron, but when she goes for a suplex, Suzu is able to reverse it.

Suzuki makes for the top rope, though Thekla is quick to join her, with the pair trading slaps and forearms before Thekla suplexes her from the top and hits a Diving Double Footstomp to the back. Suzu blocks the Dokugumo Death Drop, but eats a series of Superkicks for her trouble. Thekla then misses Buzzsaw, with this resulting in a host of roll-up attempts, Suzu rolling through the last one and hitting a Release German Suplex. It’s Thekla’s turn to take a series of Superkicks, though she sits up after two and demands more. When Suzu delivers, Thekla catches the kick and aims a blow at it. Seeing this coming, Suzu avoids it and transitions it into a Tequila Shot for the victory. Her 5Star Grand Prix back on track now, just a point behind leaders Risa Sera and Saya Kamitani, it has the added bonus of sending Thekla to the very precipice of elimination.

Post-match, Thekla very openly begins courting Suzu for H.A.T.E, though this only results in a resounding slap across the face for her trouble. At least for now…

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #6 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Saori Anou (7) def. Xena (4) w/ Pottering (12:31)

With Syuri eating a suprise loss to Koguma earlier in the night, and Starlight Kid not back in action until the 24th August, Saori Anou has the chance to go clear at the top of the block. The same can be said however for Xena, who still has Saori, Starlight Kid and Syuri to face in a crucial run-in for the Touch of Thunder.

A series of lock-ups begin proceedings, with Xena very obviously holding the power advantage. They trade locks of the arm, with Xena using referee Daichi to help her athletically get free of one hold in particular. Rather unwisely, Saori goes for a Shoulder Tackle which has no effect on Xena, with her hitting one of her own to take Anou off her feet. As Xena looks to launch into her chops, Saori frustrates her by blocking them and hitting some of her own. Hitting another Shoulder Tackle, Xena regains momentum and hits a Double Underhook Suplex and a Basement Dropkick before powering Saori out of suplex attempt into one of her own.

Xena hits a Dropkick for a two count, before looking to turn Anou over into a Boston Crab. Saori is eventually able to crawl her way to the ropes, though Xena rips the hand off them and incorporates it into the submission, forcing Anou to use the other hand. Again Xena goes for a chop and again she fails, with Saori hitting a Snap Suplex before being vaulted to the apron and then kicked to the floor. From out of nowhere, Xena hits a Springboard Crossbody over the top rope to wipe out Saori before rolling her back into the ring.

The pair then begin forearming each other, with Anou more than holding her own in the exchange against the more-powerful Xena. Finally, Xena manages to get off a successful chop and, though Saori does her best to match her, she lights her up with a whole host more. Anou creates some distance with a Dropkick, but Xena muscles her up into a Lumbar Check. She’s too exhausted to make the cover though, and Saori is able to use this to her advantage in order to lock in a modified Muta Lock.

Three times Saori stops Xena coming off the ropes with boots to the arm, but the third time Xena rides the momentum and hits her with a Rolling Lariat before hitting her with a High-Angled German Suplex. Saori then hits one of her own before Xena hits her with another Lariat. She misses with a further Lariat, instead hitting the ropes, with Saori using this momentum to wrap her up in the Pottering for the victory.

Moving to seven points, and with a tie-breaker victory over both Xena and Syuri, Anou takes an enormous step to all but confirming her quarter-final place. It’s a big loss for Xena, who needs victories over both Syuri and Starlight Kid to remain in contention.

Block Standings

  • Maika (4-0-0): 8 Points
  • Hazuki (3-1-0): 6 Points
  • Natsupoi (3-1-0): 6 Points
  • Manami (2-1-1): 5 Points
  • Konami (2-3-0): 4 Points
  • Ruaka (0-4-1): 1 Point
  • Yuna Mizumori (0-4-0): 0 Points
  • AZM (3-0-2): 8 Points
  • Mayu Iwatani (3-1-0): 6 Points
  • Tomoka Inaba (2-0-2): 6 Points
  • Mei Seira (2-0-2): 6 Points
  • Saya Iida (1-3-0): 2 Points
  • Momo Watanabe (1-4-0): 2 Points
  • Tam Nakano (0-4-0): 0 Points
  • Saori Anou (3-1-1): 7 Points
  • Starlight Kid (2-1-1): 5 Points
  • Xena (2-2-0): 4 Points
  • Koguma (2-2-0): 4 Points
  • Syuri (2-2-0): 4 Points
  • Anna Jay (2-3-0): 4 Points
  • Miyu Amasaki (1-3-0): 2 Points
  • Saya Kamitani (3-1-0): 6 Points
  • Risa Sera (3-2-0): 6 Points
  • Hanan (2-1-1): 5 Points
  • Suzu Suzuki (2-1-1): 5 Points
  • Saki Kashima (2-3-0): 4 Points
  • Thekla (1-3-0): 2 Points
  • Ranna Yagami (1-3-0): 2 Points

You can check out the Stardom roster win/loss records for 2024 right here;

You can check out a comprehensive run down of the Stardom Championship Histories here;

Upcoming Shows

  • Friday 23rd August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 8, Sendai PIT, Miyagi (LIVE)
  • Saturday 24th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 9, Fukushima Parse Izaka, Fukushima (LIVE)
  • Sunday 25th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 10, Yamagata Big Wing, Yamagata (LIVE)
  • Wednesday 28th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 11, Shinjuku, Tokyo (LIVE)
  • Saturday 31st August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Championship Match, Musashino Forest Sports Plaza, Tokyo (PPV)
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About Rob Goodwin 263 Articles
Hailing from Stoke-on-Trent, Rob fell back in love with the Wrestling Business in 2016 after a decade-long break. Rob is the host of the PodMania Wrestling Podcast, the StardomCast and reviews retro PPVs - with an odd fascination with 1995 WWF/WCW!

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