SHOW REPORT: Stardom 5Star Grand Prix – Night 9 (Saturday, 24th August 2024)

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom


  • Ami Sohrei will be absent from all cards as she begins the process of recovering from ACL and meniscus tears in her knee. Ranna Yagami will replace her in the 5Star Grand Prix.
  • Kaori Yoneyama – more commonly known as Fukigen Death in Stardom – has also suffered an ACL tear and will be out of action for a year.
  • Due to poor physical condition, Lady C will miss the shows on the 23rd, 24th and 25th August.

Current Block Standings (Before 24th August 2024)

Quick Results

  • Three-Way Match: Waka Tsukiyama def. Momo Kohgo & Rian w/ Moonlight Fantasy (5:32)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Ranna Yagami (4) def Hanan (5) w/ Paradiddle (6:50)
  • 5Star Grand Prix Blue Stars A Match: Anna Jay (6) def. Koguma (4) w/ Queenslayer (6:41)
  • Three-Way Tag Team Match: God’s Eye (Saki Kashima & Hina) def. Cosmic Angels (Sayaka Kurura & Aya Sakura) & H.A.T.E (Natsuko Tora & Rina) w/ Gedo Clutch (7:41)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Starlight Kid (6) def. Miyu Amasaki (3) Ended in a Time Limit Draw (15:00)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Thekla (4) def. Risa Sera (6) via DQ (7:44)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Syuri (6) def. Xena (4) w/ Ryuen (12:00)
  • 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Saya Kamitani (8) def. Suzu Suzuki (5) w/ Spinning Star Crusher (10:38)
Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #1 – Waka Tsukiyama def. Momo Kohgo & Rian w/ Moonlight Fantasy (5:32)

Rian has had something of a torrid time when attempting to team with Waka and Momo at different points during this tour. All of that appears to be forgotten however with a cordial three-way handshake before Waka and Momo attempt to get their own chants going. 

Momo and Rian once again join forces, locking Waka in a Double Sideheadlock before high-fiving and Momo sitting into a Camel Clutch and inviting Rian to hit a Dropkick. However, Rian turns the tide and hits Momo with a Dropkick before attempting the same on Waka. Waka however sees it coming, and hits both Momo and Rian with a series of Hip Attacks before comically attempting to pin both of them. After locking both women in a double submission, Waka gets another chant of ‘Tsukiyama’ going before being dumped unceremoniously from the ring by Rian. The rookie hits Momo with her Headscissors and a Dropkick before inviting Waka back into the ring to join her in a Hip Attack. 

That finished, Rian hits Waka with another Dropkick and tries for an unsuccessful pinfall onto Momo. A forearm exchange between Rian and Waka begins, with the rookie ducking a Lariat and hitting a Dropkick before landing her Fisherman’s Suplex, only for Momo to break up the ensuing pinfall. Kohgo follows this with a double 619 and then wipes out Rian with a Dropkick. She tries for the Nectar Peach, but Rian gets free and then hits her rollover pin attempt. Waka makes the save, shunting Momo out of the ring and hitting the Moonlight Fantasy onto Rian for the win. 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #2 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Ranna Yagami (4) def Hanan (5) w/ Paradiddle (6:50)

It’s lovely to see Ami Sourei make an appearance before this match, especially as injury has ruled her out of a tournament many thought could have been a really good one for her. The sooner she returns to the ring, the better!

It’s Ami’s replacement in the tournament, God’s Eye rookie Ranna Yagami, that is in the opening block match of the tournament however. Though mathematically eliminated due to tiebreaker losses to both Risa Sera and Saya Kamitani, Ranna has still been very solid throughout the tournament. Hanan however is still very much alive in this year’s 5Star Grand Prix, and a victory over Ranna here could briefly take her to the top of the block above Saya Kamitani with 7 points. 

Ranna has not laid down at any point in this tournament however and clearly doesn’t intend on doing so here, matching Hanan in the chain wrestling openings of the match before missing a Dropkick. Hanan connects with one before slamming into Ranna in the ropes and locking in High-Angled Boston Crab. Noting Ami at ringside, Hanan traps Ranna in the corner and begins chopping her in the chest in mock tribute to her. However Ranna, not seeing the funny side, powers out of the corner and walks into the increasingly frantic chops until Hanan opts to kick her in the midriff and land a Bodyslam.

Yagami continues to try and fight back with some tired forearms to the chest, but then kicks out Hanan’s forearm attempt and plants her in the corner with a further kick. As soon as Hanan kicks out of the pinfall, Ranna immediately makes for the arm and stretches it out with a Cross Armbreaker. Hanan gets a foot on the ropes, but this ultimately just leads to her eating a whole host of thumping kicks to the chest. She catches one of Ranna’s kicks, though it becomes clear that it hurts her arm doing so, and manages to transition it into a Judo Throw.

Both women get unsteadily to their feet, but when Hanan attempts her Springboard Crossbody, Ranna catches her in midair with a kick before landing a PK squarely into her chest. Again Ranna looks for the arm, reapplying the Cross Armbreaker after catching a Corkscrew European Uppercut. Hanan fights free and hits the Famouser, but when Ranna kicks her bad arm again she can’t capitalise on the brief flurry of offence. She is able to avoid the Beat Kick though, and shoves Ranna into the ropes before catching her in Blockbuster Hold for a nearfall. Another Famouser follows, but Ranna fights free of the Back Drop and locks in her brand new pinning manoeuvre the Paraddidle, incorporating Hanan’s injured arm to help achieve perhaps the biggest shock three count of the tournament. 

To see Ranna win in front of Ami Sourei is a really beautiful moment, and the victory – though ultimately futile in terms of progress to the quarter-finals – is just reward for a really good tournament. Defeat, though a complete shock, is not completely devastating for Hanan as she can still qualify. However, the mountain just got a little steeper for the Young Lioness with this defeat, and she now needs to rely on results elsewhere to help her progress. 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #3 – 5Star Grand Prix Blue Stars A Match: Anna Jay (6) def. Koguma (4) w/ Queenslayer (6:41)

Both women are still alive, just, but crucial losses throughout the tournament mean that qualification is more or less out of their hands. A loss here would be the end of the tournament for either of these women, and therefore all they can focus on is continuing to win their matches. 

This is Anna’s final match of the tournament, one in which she has unquestionably progressed very well, and she will be looking to sign off with a victory here. However, it is doubtful as to whether she has ever encountered a Kuma in the wild, and that is exactly what she is faced with at the start of this match. She is understandably a little uncertain initially, but looks as though she might join in with the dance, right up until the moment she kicks Koguma in the midriff. Of course, very few people are able to fully avoid the Kuma Dance, and with a Drop Toe Hold, Koguma is able to sit into a Camel Clutch and put the Kuma ears onto Anna, much to her clear disappointment. 

As Koguma comes off the ropes however, Anna catches her with a knee to midriff before throwing her headfirst into three of the corner pads. She then hits a Snap Suplex, and drives a boot into Koguma’s face whilst mockingly performing the Kuma Dance to the Fukushima crowd. This incenses Koguma, and she hits a Diving Crossbody from the second rope before following it up with a big Splash in the corner and her trademark stomps on the small of the back. Koguma looks for a mounted Rear-Naked Choke, but Anna runs her back-first into the corner before connecting with a volley of forearms.

Jay follows this up with two elbows in the corner, as well as a high kick to the head and a Northern Lights Suplex. As Koguma kicks out of the pinfall, Anna locks in the Queenslayer, but Koguma manages to get to the ropes before erupting into a series of forearms. She then reverses a Dangerous Jay Kick into a Koguma Cutter, before getting a two count with a Missile Dropkick. This doesn’t get the definitive pinfall though, and Anna is able to hit the Dangerous Jay Kick shortly after. This leads to a fast exchange of roll-ups and reversals, before Anna manages to lock in the Queenslayer in the centre of the ring. Once she manages to lock the legs around Koguma’s body, the result is academic, no matter how frantically Koguma rolls for the ropes. Eventually, the referee takes the decision out of Koguma’s hands and calls for the bell, giving Anna her third victory of the tournament and eliminating Koguma in one fell swoop. 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #4 – God’s Eye (Saki Kashima & Hina) def. Cosmic Angels (Sayaka Kurura & Aya Sakura) & H.A.T.E (Natsuko Tora & Rina) w/ Gedo Clutch (7:41)

It’s Tora, Hina and Kurura to start us off, with the dynamic being as you might expect with the latter two looking to team up against Tora with no success. Before long, Rina trips Hina on the ring apron and H.A.T.E look like they are about to take control. However, Tora misses the resultant Senton which allows the Cosmic Angels team the chance to try and hit a Double Suplex, only for Tora to reverse it almost nonchalantly and tag in Rina.

Rina dominates Sayaka Kurura, hitting her with a Bodyslam and a Hairmare before shunting her into the ropes and spitting in the referee’s face. Kurura fights back admirably, hitting a Dropkick before being flattened by a returning Hina. This allows Saki her first opportunity to be in the match, though after seeing off Rina, she is set upon immediately by the Cosmic Angels. I’ve already completely lost who is actually the legal person in this match, with Cosmic Angels working more as a pair than anything else, Aya Sakura getting her brief chance to shine against Saki before being hit with a Double Underhook Suplex. 

Hina returns to the fray and hits Sakura with a Neckbreaker before Rina enters the ring and we get another face-off between the two sisters before their Future of Stardom Championship match in a week’s time. Tora joins in to aid Rina, with the pair hitting an Assisted Splash before Rina looks to hit her Diving Double Knee Drop. However Hina moves, and Rina is caught in the face with a Saki kick. Hina plants her with a Judo Toss and Kashima hits the Diving Double Footstomp, but Cosmic Angels arrive to break up the pinfall resulting from a Hina Pumphandle Urunage. 

Aya plants some kicks into the sternum of Hina before whipping her into a Spear from Kurura. Tora breaks up the pinfall with a Senton, and then hits a second one onto Kurura. This does clear the ring for Rina and Hina to return to their war, with Rina successfully hitting her Diving Double Knee Drop and enlisting the help of Tora. However, Saki arrives to help even the score and, in the ensuing chaos, Hina is able to dive into a Gedo Clutch on her sister for the victory. 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #5 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Starlight Kid (6) def. Miyu Amasaki (3) Ended in a Time Limit Draw (15:00)

Though still an intriguing match-up with it being an all-NEOGENESIS affair, and a follow up to their last excellent singles match just before the new faction was formed, only one of these two can still qualify for the quarter-finals. Having not gotten a point since her surprise defeat over Xena on the opening night, Miyu can only achieve 6 points, but falls foul to tie-breakers with Saori Anou and Anna Jay. Tonight is about showing growth for the Stardom Supernova. 

Rather surprisingly, there’s no handshake to start this match, but there is a wry smile shared between the pair before Kid makes for Miyu’s leg the moment the bell rings. Miyu reverses it and then snatches in a Front Facelock before rolling through into another when Kid looks to run the ropes. Both miss Dropkicks, playing on how well these two have grown to know each other in recent weeks, before Kid hits a Drop Toe Hold and a crank on Miyu’s knee to strike the first real blow of the opening exchanges. 

Kid continues the onslaught on the knee, hitting a Standing Moonsault and a nasty-looking Inverted Figure Four Leg Lock. Miyu gets to the ropes, but Kid continues to kick her in the head as though to demand she brings more to the match. After Dropkicking the knee out from under a kneeling Miyu, Kid looks to attack her in the corner but kisses, allowing Amasaki the time to scale the ropes and hit a Facebuster. She then hits a Low-Angled DDT before locking in a Crucifix, forcing Kid to scrabble to the ropes. Miyu comes off the ropes and looks for her Jumping DDT, but Kid blocks it with the landing causing Miyu to jar her knee. This is capitalised on with frightening speed by Kid, who Dropkicks it immediately to reassert control. 

Amasaki fights back with a forearm that sends Kid sprawling into the ropes, but as soon as she goes to apron to hit her draping Facebuster, Kid fights free and kicks out the injured knee again, hitting it with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Miyu is able to ride out the pain however and hit the Jumping DDT, only for Kid to reply with the Leg Capture Suplex. Both women then unload with a series of forearms, Kid managing to drill a whole host into the base of Miyu’s neck and forcing her to the mat. After Kid slaps her across the face, it’s Amasaki’s turn then to return the favour, finishing her volley off with another DDT. 

Miyu goes to the top rope, but Kid tries unsuccessfully to cut her off. After a brief scuffle, Amasaki is able to manoeuvre her into position for an impressive top rope DDT, following it up seconds later with a Tornado DDT off of the apron to the floor. Another Tornado DDT follows inside the ring the moment Kid beats the 20 count, but Kid is able to get free of a Tensai attempt and hit an Inverted Dragon Screw Leg Whip followed by a Running Double Knees to the back. 

Kid attempts a Schoolboy, but keeps a hold of Miyu’s bad leg so that the moment she kicks out, she can transition seamlessly into the Black Tiger Leg Killer. Miyu fights furiously and eventually manages to roll free, but can’t capitalise as her leg gives way as she attempts to stand. Instead, Kid locks in the Texas Cloverleaf with Amasaki having to drag herself agonisingly to get a hand on the bottom rope. She follows this up with the Rounding Body Press but then misses the Moonsault, allowing Miyu to get the closest of nearfalls with the Amanohashidate. 

Miyu charges in once more, but is caught with a Jumping Kick to the head. Kid goes for a Tiger Suplex, but Amasaki blocks it and hits both a Hammerlock DDT and the Cradle DDT for another close two count. She then hits the Tensai, but the bell signalling the time limit sounds just as she’s about to go for the pinfall.

It’s a point a piece for both NEOGENESIS members. Kid is still alive in the tournament, but now needs to beat Xena and hope Saori Anou loses to Koguma on the final night to ensure qualification. For Miyu however, this match was more about signifying growth, and in drawing with Kid and arguably being seconds away from a victory, she’s certainly done that in her easily her finest singles outing. Kid acknowledges her growth in post-match comments, putting her over massively with the crowd before embracing her and leaving alongside Miyu and Mei Seira to head to the back. 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #6 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Thekla (4) def. Risa Sera (6) via DQ (7:44)

This is Risa’s final match of the tournament, and a win here would take her to 8 points and to the top of the block. A loss, and not only would Thekla go above her in the block, but it would also see her eliminated from the tournament all together. It’s easier said than done mind you for the Idol Killer; she hasn’t beaten Sera in any of their previous four matches, drawing once and losing the rest.

Thekla jumps the bell and hauls Risa’s entrance robe over her head before pummelling her with forearms. She also clobbers Sera with one of the belts she came to the ring with, despite the bell having rang and it happening right in front of the referee – which sets a dangerous precedent for the rest of the match, and what both women can get away with. After a Diving Double Footstomp to the back, Sera rolls to the outside and attempts to disentangle herself from her robe. Thekla follows and we get our first instance of chair bowling for the evening, though it’s Risa reversing an Irish Whip and throwing Thekla into the crowd. We then get an incredible sequence where Thekla begins hurling chairs at Risa, only for the latter to fend them all off with another chair. Tora even hands Thekla Ami Sourei’s crutch, but Sera somehow wrestles it from her before the referee seizes it in an attempt to regain control of proceedings.

Back in the ring and Risa launches Thekla into a Giant Swing, with the Idol Killer groggily-yet-defiantly holding up a middle finger immediately afterwards. How does Risa react? By performing a second Giant Swing which eventually culminates in both women being too dizzy to do anything for a substantial period. After being unsuccessful with a pinfall attempt, Risa begins landing lusty forearms into the jaw of Thekla, only for Thekla to then respond by rocking Risa with one of her own. She then follows it with a Big Boot in the ropes and a second on the apron.

Going to the top rope, Thekla misses the Diving Double Footstomp but recovers immediately to smash into Risa with a Spear. She locks in a brief Crossface before then opting to kick and slap Risa in the face. This proves to be a mistake, with Sera catching Thekla in the Swinging Air Raid Crash before transitioning into the High-Angled Boston Crab. Somehow, the referee gets caught with a Risa forearm, meaning Thekla can choke her out with her belt. She follows this up by whipping her across the back with it before upgrading to a chair. This proves to be rather foolish as Sera is able to wrestle it away from her before going to town on Thekla with it. The referee comes to and tries to stop Sera, but the red mist has descended and she kicks him away, forcing him to signal for a disqualification. In spite of their being almost every member of H.A.T.E at ringside, they can’t stop Risa continuing to batter Thekla and it eventually takes Maika coming in to calm her down for her to stop the assault and storm from the ring.

Risa’s tournament ends with something of a whimper, though she did at least to appear to genuinely scare the members of H.A.T.E, culminating in a record of 3-3 and leaving her unable to qualify. Thekla on the other hand is still alive, needing to beat Saki Kashima and hope that both Hanan and Suzu Suzuki lose their remaining matches! 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #7 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars A Match: Syuri (6) def. Xena (4) w/ Ryuen (12:00)

A win is of the most vital importance to both Syuri and Xena here, with a loss completely devastating for their chances of progressing out of the blocks.

We open with a strong lock-up, with Xena utilising her strength in being able to toss Syuri around the ring during the opening mat-wrestling exchanges. She forces Syuri into the ropes, driving her wrist into Syuri’s face until the referee’s count of five. Syuri throws her off against the ropes but sets far too early for a Back Body Drop, which allows Xena the opportunity to attempt a Backslide. She gets a two count with that, and then again with a Crucifix pin attempt before having to kick out hastily when Syuri reverses the momentum. Syuri is clearly rocked from the way Xena has attacked the opening stages, and slams in her with a very forceful Shotgun Dropkick.

A whole host of strikes are reversed at an impressively quick speed, before Xena throws a Shotgun Dropkick of her own. She then hurls Syuri across the ring with a Double Underhook Suplex, before Kipping-Up and connecting with a Basement Dropkick. Syuri kicks free of a Bodyslam and then hits a Flying Headscissors and a Wheelbarrow Facebuster. She then immediately seizes on Xena and locks in a Fujiwara Armbar, repeatedly changing the submission until a screaming Xena can get a foot on the ropes. Syuri then drags Xena through the ropes so that she’s half in and out of the ring and charges at her, only for Xena to catch her and hit a Spinning Powerslam on the apron – whilst still being stuck in the ropes!

With Syuri dazed on the floor, Xena connects with a Springboard Plancha. She tries to get back in the ring, but Syuri springs to her feet and drags her off the apron, hitting a Tornado DDT with such velocity that they miss the matting and Xena’s head hits the unprotected flooring! 

Back in the ring and Syuri hits the Guillotine Leg Drop, but she can’t get the three count. A thumping forearm exchange ensues with Xena eventually resorting to her trademark chops. Syuri responds how she responds best however, by thundering a volley of kicks off of Xena’s sternum. The Touch of Thunder will not be quelled however, and she gets up immediately after a Release German Suplex to catch a Syuri kick and hoist her into a modified T-Bone Suplex. 

Xena flies into a Lariat before popping Syuri up into an impressive Deadlift Bridging German Suplex. She then attempts a Vertical Suplex, only for Syuri to lock in a Guillotine as she does. Somehow, Xena manages to power her back up into the air, only for Syuri to bring her crashing down with a DDT and lock in a Rear-Naked Choke. Eventually, Xena gets to the ropes but it only results in Syuri hitting her Draping DDT. She misses a Buzzsaw Kick but then connects flush with a pair of Jumping Knee Strikes that gain her a two count. 

A Buzzsaw Kick seemingly eliminates all of Xena’s remaining fight, and Syuri is able to hoist her in the Ryuen for a hard-fought victory, keeping her tournament progression hopes alive. For Xena, it’s another fantastic performance amidst a whole host of fantastic performance in this tournament, but the loss eliminates her with one match left. She can however still play spoiler to Starlight Kid, who needs a victory when they meet in Yamagata to progress. 

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom

Match #8 – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 Blue Stars B Match: Saya Kamitani (8) def. Suzu Suzuki (5) w/ Spinning Star Crusher (10:38)

A win for Saya Kamitani over the 2023 5Star Grand Prix winner Suzu Suzuki would see her guarantee herself the top spot in Blue Stars B. However, a second loss could see Suzu leapfrog her and, with a final block match against a Hanan who needs to win in Yamagata, things could go south very quickly for the Phenex Queen. 

Suzu holds a slender advantage over Kamitani, winning their only prior singles match during the 2022 5Star Grand Prix, and she looks to start aggressively here, only for Kamitani to duck nonchalantly under her attempts to lock-up. Suzu loses patience and locks in a brief Side Headlock before some quick-paced and impressive running of the ropes leads to Saya raking the eyes and running Suzu headfirst into the corner pad. However, Suzu avoids a Springboard Crossbody and drives a disgruntled boot into Kamitani’s face in the ropes. 

Following a Snapmare and a kick to the spine, Suzu hits the Drive-By and begins kneeing Saya hard in the head whilst keeping hold of her hair. As she runs the ropes though, Saya wipes her out with a Dropkick that sends her to the outside, with Saya following her and hitting a Springboard Plancha. She Slingshots back into the ring and with a Splash, but can’t quite grab a hold of the Northern Lights Suplex, with Suzuki smashing her in the face with a forearm for good measure. Perhaps a little unwisely, Saya invites more strikes, engaging in a forearm exchange before stamping on her foot instead. Suzu sees it coming however and attempts to manoeuvre it unsuccessfully into a Tequila Shot. Suzu eats a Spinning Kick to the side of the head, but manages to floor Saya with a Superkick before both women collapse.

Suzu is the first to her feet and looks to get to the top rope, but Saya joins her and flings her across the ring with a top rope Frankensteiner. She then rolls through the impact of a German Suplex and connects with a Spinning Wheel Kick. After another double down, it’s Saya that gets to her feet first, ascending to the top rope in order to hit a Missile Dropkick. She then connects with a Fisherman’s Suplex, but rather than go for the pin, she opts to try and hit the move twice more, failing on the last one and eating a DDT for her troubles. Suzu connects with three swift kicks to the head, only for Saya to kick out at one. As she runs the ropes, Saya launches herself into a Frankensteiner, only for Suzu to roll through and almost get the roll-up victory. Saya misses with a wild forearm but is just able to kick out of the Tequila Shot. Somehow, she’s also able to kick out of the Locomotion German Suplex.

Out of nowhere, Kamitani springs into life once again and this time hits a Poisonrana before avoiding a Suzuki headbutt and punting her hard in the head. She hits the Star Crusher, but can’t make the cover, so she opts instead to set herself in the corner and then completely wipe out Suzu with a thunderous Pump Kick. The wind is well and truly out of Suzuki’s sails now, and Saya is able to muscle her up into the spinning variation of the Star Crusher for the victory. 

With the win, Saya is guaranteed to win Blue Stars B, irrelevant of what happens in Yamagata tomorrow, and also becomes just the second person in the 28-woman field to qualify for the quarter-finals. For Suzuki however, she now waits for Yamagata where she needs to beat Ranna Yagami, and hope beyond hope that Saya Kamitani can defeat Hanan. 

Block Standings

  • Maika (5-0-0): 10 Points
  • Natsupoi (4-1-0): 8 Points
  • Konami (3-3-0): 6 Points
  • Hazuki (3-2-0): 6 Points
  • Manami (2-2-1): 5 Points
  • Ruaka (0-4-1): 1 Point
  • Yuna Mizumori (0-5-0): 0 Points
  • AZM (3-0-2): 8 Points
  • Mayu Iwatani (4-1-0): 8 Points
  • Tomoka Inaba (3-0-2): 8 Points
  • Mei Seira (2-1-2): 6 Points
  • Momo Watanabe (2-4-0): 2 Points
  • Saya Iida (1-4-0): 2 Points
  • Tam Nakano (0-5-0): 0 Points
  • Saori Anou (3-1-1): 7 Points
  • Syuri (3-2-0): 6 Points
  • Starlight Kid (2-1-2): 6 Points
  • Anna Jay (3-3-0): 6 Points
  • Xena (2-3-0): 4 Points
  • Koguma (2-3-0): 4 Points
  • Miyu Amasaki (1-3-1): 3 Points
  • Saya Kamitani (4-1-0): 8 Points
  • Risa Sera (3-3-0): 6 Points
  • Hanan (2-2-1): 5 Points
  • Suzu Suzuki (2-2-1): 5 Points
  • Saki Kashima (2-3-0): 4 Points
  • Thekla (2-3-0): 4 Points
  • Ranna Yagami (2-3-0): 4 Points

You can check out the Stardom roster win/loss records for 2024 right here;

You can check out a comprehensive run down of the Stardom Championship Histories here;

Upcoming Shows

  • Sunday 25th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 10, Yamagata Big Wing, Yamagata (LIVE)
  • Wednesday 28th August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Night 11, Shinjuku, Tokyo (LIVE)
  • Saturday 31st August – 5Star Grand Prix 2024 – Championship Match, Musashino Forest Sports Plaza, Tokyo (PPV)
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About Rob Goodwin 268 Articles
Hailing from Stoke-on-Trent, Rob fell back in love with the Wrestling Business in 2016 after a decade-long break. Rob is the host of the PodMania Wrestling Podcast, the StardomCast and reviews retro PPVs - with an odd fascination with 1995 WWF/WCW!

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