SHOW REPORT: Stardom Sapporo Wonder Rendezvous (Saturday, 27th July 2024)

Photo Courtesy: World Wonder Ring Stardom


  • Ami Sohrei will be absent from all cards as she begins the process of recovering from ACL and meniscus tears in her knee.
  • 22nd Wonder of Stardom Champion Saori Anou has been champion for 12 days in her 2nd reign. This will be her first title defence, and will be the shortest Wonder of Stardom Championship reign in history if she is unsuccessful.
  • 10th Future of Stardom Champion Rina has been champion for 442 days, a record for this championship. This will be her tenth title defence and will break the title defence record set by her sister Hanan should she achieve it here.

Quick Results

  • Tag Team Match: God’s Eye (Lady C & Hina) def. Xena & Rian w/ Modified Jackhammer (8:28)
  • Singles Match: Mayu Iwatani def. HANAKO w/ Moonsault (12:16)
  • Singles Match: Saki Kashima def. Aya Sakura w/ Kishkaisei (0:26)
  • 5Star Grand Prix Red Stars Play-In Final Match: Yuna Mizumori def. Waka Tsukiyama w/ Lariat (9:30)
  • Singles Match: Tam Nakano def. Sayaka Kurura w/ Tiger Suplex (11:44)
  • 10-Woman Tag Team Match: NEO GENESIS (Starlight Kid, AZM, Miyu Amasaki, Suzu Suzuki & Mei Seira) def. STARS (Hazuki, Koguma, Momo Kohgo, Saya Iida & Hanan) w/ Canadian Destroyer (15:50)
  • 8-Woman Tag Team Match: Maika, Saya Kamitani, Syuri & Mina Shirakawa def. Oedo Tai (Thekla, Momo Watanabe, Ruaka & Konami) w/ Michinoku Driver II (13:44)
  • Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (c) def. Ranna Yagami w/ Pink Devil (12:16)
  • Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Natsupoi def. Saori Anou (c) w/ Fairy Magic (19:16)

Match #1 – God’s Eye (Lady C & Hina) def. Xena & Rian w/ Modified Jackhammer (8:28)

This is Lady C and Hina’s first outing as official members of God’s Eye, having pledged allegiance at Korakuen Hall after the Konami turn. This, alongside the fact that Lady C has a prevalent match on the card tomorrow, almost makes the result a foregone conclusion.

God’s Eye predictably terrorise Rian, Lady C performing a Giant Swing within seconds of the opening bell before her and Hina take it in turns to throw the poor rookie around the ring. This only changes when she can finally tag out to Xena. Having chopped her way through both Lady C and Hina, Xena even hands the latter to Rian on a plate, with her getting close two counts with both her Bridging Fisherman’s Suplex and her innovative pin variation.

However, once Xena is taken out of commission by Lady C clattering into her with a Clothesline, the new God’s Eye pair are able to hit Rian with a 3D and Hina hits her Modified Jackhammer for the victory to give God’s Eye a small, but much-needed, victory.

Match #2 – Mayu Iwatani def. HANAKO w/ Moonsault (12:16)

This pair of matches over the two nights in Sapporo mark the last matches for the EXV Wonder Tower before she departs for a month-long excursion in the USA, so she will be eager for a good showing here against the IWGP Women’s Champion.

And start well she does, throwing Mayu around with absolute ease, muscling her up into suplexes and Bodyslams before running her into the corner and targeting the small of Mayu’s back with a repeated flurry of Shoulder Tackles. HANAKO then locks the Icon of Stardom in a Boston Crab before Mayu gets free of Suplex and hits the Evasion Dropkick in the corner, finally allowing herself a brief period of respite to clutch at her back. Recovered sufficiently, Mayu hits a Dropkick that sends HANANKO rolling from the ring and follows it up with a Suicide Dive. She’s still not able to get HANAKO up for a suplex though and instead engages in a firm battle of strikes, though it’s Mayu that ends up on the canvas following a Shoulder Tackle.

Having been flattened by a Splash in the corner, Mayu then finds herself locked in an incredibly High-Angled Boston Crab with HANAKO transitioning into a Single Leg Crab before Iwatani finally gets to the ropes. HANAKO continues to relentlessly target Mayu’s back, including with a towering Back Suplex. Iwatani is able to negotiate her way into the Dodonpa before finally taking The Wonder Tower off her feet with a Suplex. Mayu hits the Frogsplash but misses the Moonsault, allowing HANAKO to hit the JP Coster. However, Iwatani lands a flurry of kicks to floor her once more and then successfully – just, as I feel HANAKO may be a touch further away than Mayu initially thought and subsequently only made contact with her legs into her opponents chest – hits the Moonsault for the victory.

I don’t think there were many that thought HANAKO was winning here, but it was more about her performance. With Iwatani applauding her as she leaves the ring, I think it’s safe to say it was an impressive performance from the Wonder Tower.

Before we head into our next match – the first on the exclusive PPV feed – we get the announcement of the two mystery final block members for the 5Star Grand Prix. Risa Sera will return for her second tournament in Blue Stars B after an impressive showing in 2022, while Blue Stars A will see AEW’s sole participation in the tournament, with Anna Jay being officially unveiled as the final mystery participant.

Match #3 – Saki Kashima def. Aya Sakura w/ Kishikaisei (0:26)

Well that was short. Sayaka comes out of the traps on fire, but is caught unawares by a Kishikaisei in less than 30 seconds for the shock loss. As much practice as you do in the dojo, which Sakura is clearly doing, nothing can apparently prepare you for someone as slippery as Saki Kashima!

Speaking of Saki, after a gruelling 26 seconds, she needs Syuri to give her a piggyback backstage.

Match #4 – 5Star Grand Prix Red Stars Play-In Final Match: Yuna Mizumori def. Waka Tsukiyama w/ Lariat (9:30)

Neither of these women have ever taken part in a 5Star Grand Prix and, though a block containing Maika, Hazuki, Tora, Konami and Natsupoi can hardly be classed as easy, the prize is a big one for these two women!

Mizumori weathers an early storm of Hip Attacks from Waka, gradually wearing her down by showcasing her ever-improving arsenal of power moves. Tsukiyama proves resilient though and repeatedly kicks out at two, before gaining her own close falls with a second rope Gokuraku Don and a slew of quick pinfall attempts.

With Waka proving hard to keep down, Yuna hits the Musha-Gaeshi and then thumps into the EXV member with a Lariat for the victory, moving on to her first ever 5Star Grand Prix in the process. Waka didn’t take all too kindly to the loss, biting the outstretched hand of Mizumori when she attempted to show her a sign of respect.

Match #5 – Tam Nakano def. Sayaka Kurura w/ Tiger Suplex (11:44)

If you could distill the concept of ‘tough love’ into a match, I feel like this may be it.

Tam Nakano takes everything Sayaka Kurura has to offer with a discerning smile on her face, demanding that her stablemate bring more to the table, baiting her into heavier and heavier strikes. This tactic works, with Kurura showing an as-of-yet-unseen amount of aggression in a flurry of Missile Dropkicks after Snapmaring Tam from the top rope. She couples this with an incredible amount of resilience towards the back end of the match, surviving the Northern Cross and kicking forcefully out of knockdown strike after knockdown strike.

When the rookie then kicks out of a Violet Shooting, a smile plays across Tam’s lips and she even nods her head in appreciation of Kurura’s determination. Unfortunately, the kick out from the Violet Shooting is the last gasp for the rookie, and when Tam hits the Tiger Suplex, Kurura cannot respond. Nakano cradles her fallen stablemate before plastering her with kisses, really displaying just how proud of Sayaka’s performance she really is!

Match #6 – NEO GENESIS (Starlight Kid, AZM, Miyu Amasaki, Suzu Suzuki & Mei Seira) def. STARS (Hazuki, Koguma, Momo Kohgo, Saya Iida & Hanan) w/ Canadian Destroyer (15:50)

It’s very easy to pick up if someone is faking excitement, or is faking enjoying being in a certain situation. There are no such problems here as the brand-new members of NEO GENESIS (the new name and entrance theme revealed as the five women enter the arena) look like they are genuinely having the time of their lives. All five are in new gear, each feeling like individual stars, with Miyu Amasaki especially looking completely rejuvenated with turquoise/green hair and matching costume. The change is so much that when she agrees to do the bear dance with Koguma, the latter doesn’t recognise her and has to be told who she is!

NEO GENESIS wrestle this match as though they have been wrestling together forever, 02 Line and Crazy Star both having the opportunity to showcase their seamless tag team skills, whilst the fleeting exchange between Starlight Kid and Hazuki whets the appetite for what would undoubtedly be an outstanding singles encounter. Not that they need help of course, but having dance partners as good and as smooth as this STARS collective are at the moment is a recipe for an outstanding match, with FWC reminding us why so many people think they are the best tag team in the world.

It’s the partnership of AZM and Hanan however that takes us through the closing stretch, and it is predictably fantastic, the pair trading moves at a lightning pace, until AZM is able to gain the pinfall with her second attempt at the Canadian Destroyer.

It’s quite the introduction for Stardom’s newest faction and, quite honestly, it might be the most excited I have ever been for one! This is just the beginning for NEO GENESIS and we could quite easily be looking at the next faction to take over the company!

Match #7 – Maika, Saya Kamitani, Syuri & Mina Shirakawa def. Oedo Tai (Thekla, Momo Watanabe, Ruaka & Konami) w/ Michinoku Driver II (13:44)

New gear seems to be the theme of the night, with three of the four members of Oedo Tai making their way to ring clad in brand new black gear. Understandably, it is Konami’s change that is most striking following her turn on God’s Eye on Tuesday, sporting an ornate black and red cape and silver face paint around one eye while wielding a can of black spray pain which apparently is her new weapon of choice.

Understandably considering the torment she’s endured over the past few days, Syuri attacks the opening of this match like a woman possessed, driving some of the stiffest knees and kicks into the chest and midriff of Momo Watanabe. Unfortunately, this aggression leads to her downfall as, after the inevitable Oedo Tai shenanigans leads to a brawl on the outside, they are to able to isolate Syuri from the rest of her team, Konami finally stepping into the ring to get her strikes on her defenceless former-friend.

The swing in momentum finally comes when Syuri is able able to tag out to Saya Kamitani, and from there, the makeshift team are able to control somewhat the flow of the match far better. Even Syuri when she is tagged back in is able to get a modicum of revenge by planting a vicious knee strike right into the face of Konami. Ultimately, once Saya, Syuri and Mina have cleared the ring of Thekla, Momo and Konami, Ruaka is left in the ring with Maika, and the World of Stardom Champion is able to hoist the Rebellious Child into the Michinoku Driver II for the victory.

Post-match, Syuri takes briefly to the microphone in order to address the retreating Konami, delivering a chillingly quiet promo dripping in venom ahead of their singles match tomorrow night.

Match #8 – Future of Stardom Championship Match: Rina (c) def. Ranna Yagami w/ Pink Devil (12:16)

Considering Ranna Yagami debuted just over seven months ago, the strides she has made are really quite extraordinary. Her run in the Catch the Wave tournament – despite falling at the last hurdle – was excellent and she comes into this title match with Rina with all the confidence in the world. And confident is how she starts the match, instantly attacking the champion’s arm to negate the Hydrangea. It’s a tactic she goes back to throughout the match, when not aiming increasingly vicious kicks into Rina’s face and chest that is, and almost has the match won with a smoothly-transitioned Juji-Gatame.

However, this division is Rina’s. For 442 days she has had the Future of Stardom Championship on lock and amongst other things, it’s her ability to snatch opportunities for victory. Having managed to weaken Ranna with the Hydrangea, Rina hits the Diving Double Knees at the second time of asking before hoisting the God’s Eye member into the Pink Devil for the victory. A typically spirited performance from Yagami, but tonight is not to be her night; though I imagine that night is coming soon enough if her matches over the last month are anything to go by.

Rina, having finally pulled clear of Hanan’s successful title defence record of 9 with this championship, stands defiant at the end of the match when she is greeted by her twin, Hina. Could Hina be the third of this family of sisters to hold the Future of Stardom Championship? She has a mountain to climb to make it a reality!

Match #9 – Wonder of Stardom Championship Match: Natsupoi def. Saori Anou (c) w/ Fairy Magic (19:16)

If anyone was under any illusion as to how much becoming the new Wonder of Stardom champion means to Natsupoi, those doubts are immediately quashed by the way she starts this match, literally hurling Saori Anou across the ring with a German Suplex before the bell can even ring, following it up with Fairial Gift.

It’s an explosive start from the challenger, and though it takes the champion a minute to meet her levels of intensity, it’s not long before an absolute war breaks out between the two. It’s said that you can wrestle your friends harder, and these two took that concept to an all new level, Anou throwing Natsupoi onto the apron with a painful Fisherman’s Suplex, before the challenger responded by Snapmaring the champion off the top rope right onto the very corner of the apron. Inside the ring and after a whole host of thunderous forearms, the pair begin launching each other around the ring with suplexes, immediately getting up and then throwing the other, stopping only when adrenaline dries up and they collapse, only to get a second wind and do it all again.

The match pace quickens if that’s possible, Saori hitting a Fairial Gift of her own just as she did when she regained the title from Mika Iwata 12 days ago, and gets a two count with the Temps Tendre. Poi meanwhile connects with her own Fairial Gift, but can’t get the three count with the Fairy Strain. It looks like Saori may have the match won when she finally hits the Japanese Ocean Suplex, but whether due to exhaustion or the damage done by a relentless Natsupoi, she can’t bridge into the cover.

Eventually, Poi takes advantage and after negotiating the champion roughly into the Fairy Magic, she manages to keep her shoulders to the mat and get the three count, finally becoming the Wonder of Stardom champion at the fourth time of asking. It’s such a feel good moment, that even the despondency of the defeated champion cannot last, and she smiles at Natsupoi as the pair lock fingers during Poi’s first address as champion!

You can check out the Stardom roster win/loss records for 2024 right here;

You can check out a comprehensive run down of the Stardom Championship Histories here;

Upcoming Shows

  • Sunday 28th July – Stardom Sapporo World Rendezvous, Hokkaido Chateau Kingdom, Sapporo (PPV)
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About Rob Goodwin 268 Articles
Hailing from Stoke-on-Trent, Rob fell back in love with the Wrestling Business in 2016 after a decade-long break. Rob is the host of the PodMania Wrestling Podcast, the StardomCast and reviews retro PPVs - with an odd fascination with 1995 WWF/WCW!

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